23. Physical Quantities and Units
Below is a table showing the units used to express different physical quantities within AGX Dynamics for Unreal.
Quantity |
Unit |
Acceleration |
\(cm/s^2\) |
Angle |
\(deg\) |
Angular velocity |
\(deg/s\) |
Angular acceleration |
\(deg/s^2\) |
Cohesion |
\(Pa\) |
Compliance (rotational) |
\(rad/Nm\) |
Compliance (translational) |
\(m/N\) |
Damping, Spook* |
\(s\) |
Damping (rotational) |
\(Nms/rad\) |
Damping (translational) |
\(Ns/m\) |
Density |
\(kg/m^3\) |
Electric potential |
\(V\) |
Electric resistance |
\(Ohm\) |
Force |
\(N\) |
Length |
\(cm\) |
Mass |
\(kg\) |
Moment of inertia |
\(kg m^2\) |
Pressure |
\(Pa\) |
Speed |
\(cm/s\) |
Stiffness (rotational) |
\(Nm/rad\) |
Stiffness (translational) |
\(N/m\) |
Torque |
\(Nm\) |
Young’s Modulus |
\(Pa\) |
Spook damping is the damping used in AGX Dynamics and is the time in seconds a constraint have to fulfill its violation.
Generally, the unit of a certain property can also be seen in the Unreal Editor in the tooltip text. This is displayed by hovering the mouse cursor over the property of interest.