31. Version Upgrade

31.1. AGX Dynamics for Unreal 1.13

No breaking changes.

31.2. AGX Dynamics for Unreal 1.12

31.2.1. Camera Sensor Component

The Camera Sensor Component has been revamped to support both 8-bit and 16-bit color channels. This change resulted in a new class hierarchy that is not backwards compatible with the previous Camera Sensor Component.

31.2.2. Shape Contact Blueprint Function Library

For consistency, the Shape Contact parameter to various Blueprint Callable functions has been renamed from Shape Contact Ref to Shape Contact. You may get the following error message when upgrading the plugin in an existing project:

In use pin  Shape Contact Ref  no longer exists on node

This is fixed by dragging the input wire from the old input pin to the new one.

31.2.3. Box Shape Component > Half Edge

The Half Edge property on Box Shape Component is no longer directly exposed to Blueprint Visual Script. Use Set or Get Half Extent instead. This is required because during runtime it is not enough to change the property on the Unreal Engine object, the Half Edge must also be updated on the AGX Dynamics object and the render mesh, if visible, must be updated.

31.3. AGX Dynamics for Unreal 1.11

31.3.1. Wire

With the introduction of parent frame in Wire Component routing nodes, the Location property moved into the frame. The following image shows how to create a wire routing node and set the local location of the new node’s frame. It also shows how to set the name of the parent Scene Component.

Creating a wire routing node with a local location and frame parent name.

Creating a wire routing node with a local location and frame parent name.

31.3.2. Terrain Material Split

To better match AGX Dynamics the Terrain Material asset type has been split so that a Terrain has one Terrain Material and one Shape Material, instead of only a Terrain Material. When a Terrain Material asset saved before the split is opened the Details panel will contain a message stating that some properties have been removed from Terrain Material along with a button to create a new Shape Material asset and populate it with those properties. The Terrain’s Shape Material property should then be set to this newly created Shape Material. This should be done for all Terrain Material assets.

Additionally, any Contact Material assets that used to reference the Terrain Material should be updated to instead reference the newly created Shape Material. During load of such a Contact Material will get a warning in the Output Log similar to

Warning: Serialized Class /Script/AGXUnreal.AGX_TerrainMaterial for a property of Class /Script/AGXUnreal.AGX_ShapeMaterial. Reference will be nullptred.
  Property = ObjectProperty /Script/AGXUnreal.AGX_ContactMaterial:Material2
  Item = AGX_TerrainMaterial /Game/YourProject/YourFolder/YourContactMaterial.YourContactMaterial