7. Editor Interface

There are four main places in Unreal Editor where AGX Dynamics for Unreal is accessed: the AGX Menu in the Top Menu Bar, the AGX Tab of the Place Mode, the AGX Dynamics Mode, and the Details panel when an AGX Dynamics for Unreal component is selected.

The File submenu of the AGX top menu.

The AGX menu in the top menu bar. Here showing the File submenu.

The AGX tab of the Place Mode.

The AGX Tab of the Place Mode.

The Files Yab of the AGX Mode.

The AGX Mode, here showing the File Tab.

The Rigid Body Component Details panel.

The AGX Dynamics for Unreal part of the Rigid Body Component Details panel.

7.1. Grab Mode


You must be detached from the Player Controller (F8) in order to activate the Grab Mode.

Using Grab Mode to grab a wheel using the mouse during Play.

Using Grab Mode to grab a wheel using the mouse during Play.

The Grab Mode can be used to grab and drag Rigid Bodies in the Level using the mouse during Play. This is only supported during Play and while in the Editor, not for standalone applications.

To activate the Grab Mode, first detach from the Player Controller and do one of the following:

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut (default: Insert).

  2. From the top menu, select AGX > Grab Mode > Start.

The mouse cursor will change to a hand grab cursor while the mode is active:

Mouse cursor is a hand grab cursor while the Grab Mode is active.

Mouse cursor is a hand grab cursor while the Grab Mode is active.

To change the Grab Mode keyboard shortcut, go to Edit > Project Settings... > Plugins > AGX Dynamics and in the category Other, change the Grab Mode Keyboard Shortcut setting. Note that the Unreal Editor must be restarted for the change to take effect.