2. Editor interface

All AGX Dynamics for Unity scripts are using a custom editor that renders the Inspector GUI. The custom editor supports “editing/serialization” of objects exposed as C# properties. This feature is important to properly synchronize data or states changed during runtime, when the AGX Dynamics native instances has been created, since it’s not reasonable to synchronize all data all the time.

2.1. Main and context menus

2.1.2. GameObject main and Hierarchy context menus

Inside the create section of GameObject main and Hierarchy context menu. When an object is created using the Hierarchy context menu the selected object will become parent of the new object. Main menu GameObject objects are create without parents regardless of current selection.

_images/gameobject_main_menu.png _images/gameobject_context_menu.png

2.1.3. Assets main and context menus

Create AGX Dynamics for Unity specific assets, such as shape and contact materials, friction models, model specific properties and settings. Assets created from the main menu will be created in the current open project folder.

_images/assets_main_menu.png _images/assets_context_menu.png

2.1.4. Component main and Inspector menus

Add component to selected game object(s).

_images/component_main_menu.png _images/component_context_menu.png

2.2. Components

2.2.1. Shapes

Shapes defines the geometry of an object and can be of primitive types, such as sphere, capsule, box etc., or arbitrarily shaped, such as triangle mesh or height field.

Shape is base component for collision objects and all primitive and mesh shape types inherits its properties.


Shape properties and tools inherited by all shape types.




Collisions Enabled

True if this shape can collide with other objects, false to disable all interactions with this shape.


Is Sensor

True if this shape is a sensor, meaning this shape will be included in the collision detection but the resulting contacts are not passed to the solver.



Shape Material associated to this shape.


Render Material

Render material (UnityEngine.Material) used when a visual representation has been associated with the shape, e.g., by using Create visual tool.

null/not visible





Resize shape in Scene View holding Ctrl for asymmetric or Ctrl+Shift for symmetric resize of the shape. See Shape resize tool for details.

Supports Box, Sphere, Capsule and Cylinder.


[Experimental] Create additional shapes as children to this object given visual representations. Select child visual in Scene View and follow instructions in the Inspector.


Disable collisions between this object and objects selected in Scene View. See Disable collisions tool for details.


Create visual representation of current context shapes. See Create visual tool for details.


Primitive shapes doesn’t support scaling of the transforms when each primitive shape has a well defined size. The more general shape Mesh supports scaling. Box

Box collision shape which size is defined given half-extents, i.e., half-width, half-height and half-depth.


Box Inspector properties with default half-extents 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5.




Half Extents

Box half-extents.

(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

See also

Inherited properties and tools. Sphere

Sphere collision shape which size is defined given radius.


Sphere Inspector properties with default radius 0.5.





Sphere radius.


See also

Inherited properties and tools. Capsule

Capsule collision shape which size is defined given height and radius.


Capsule Inspector properties with default height 1.0 and default radius 0.5.





Capsule height.



Capsule radius.



The Inspector is showing Common Render Material instead of Render Material because the visual representation of the capsule is an assembly of three objects; top half-sphere, cylinder cap and bottom half-sphere. The three objects share the same material and changing Common Render Material will assign the new material to all three objects. If the objects don’t have common material Render Material will be a list of each individual material.

See also

Inherited properties and tools. Cylinder

Cylinder collision shape which size is defined given height and radius.


Cylinder Inspector properties with default height 1.0 and default radius 0.5.





Cylinder height.



Cylinder radius.


See also

Inherited properties and tools. Mesh

Generic mesh collision shape which surface and size is defined given a source UnityEngine.Mesh asset and scale of the transform. Note that this AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh supports any number of source meshes, which will be merged into a single collision mesh when initialized. Support for multiple source meshes hasn’t been exposed in the Inspector but is accessible from scripts.


Mesh Inspector properties.





Source mesh asset.



Collision Mesh Options

Trimesh, vertex reduction disabled.

See also

Inherited properties and tools.

Mesh and scale of its transform and parent transform. Source read/write access is required

The Source mesh asset has to have mesh data read/write access enabled. When Unity imports models, such as .fbx or .dae, the mesh data is protected on the GPU. This means that it’s not possible to read the mesh data, required for the collision mesh, on the CPU.

To enable read/write, select the asset in Project View and make sure the Read/Write Enabled checkbox is enabled in the Inspector.


Model import settings Inspector, the Read/Write Enabled has to be checked for the collisions mesh to be able to access the mesh data. Collision Mesh Options

Applied Collision Mesh Options will separate the mesh data from the given source UnityEngine.Mesh to enable additional non-runtime mesh operations, such as Vertex Reduction, Convex Shape and Convex Decomposition. Applying the default options will create an exact copy of the mesh data in the source UnityEngine.Mesh.

Vertices and Triangles/Indices of a collision mesh are stored in AGXUnity.Collide.CollisionMeshData and Mesh contains a list of these collision meshes. If the list is empty (default), the source UnityEngine.Mesh is used, as in 2.4.3 (2021-06-17) and earlier versions.





Collision shape(s) type: Trimesh, Convex or Convex Decomposition


Merge Nearby Enabled

True to enable merging of nearby vertices


Merge Nearby Distance

The distance within which to merge nearby vertices


Vertex Reduction Enabled

True to enable vertex reduction.


Reduction Ratio

Reduction ratio ranging [0.02, 0.98] where lower values results in more reduced vertices.


Reduction Aggressiveness

Lower is faster and higher value results in better decimation.


Element Resolution Per Axis

Convex Decomposition - lower values results in less accurate decomposition but is faster. Higher values results in a more accurate convex representation but takes more time. Recommended range [20, 400].



Expanded Collision Mesh Options Inspector of a Mesh with Vertex Reduction enabled at 0.3 Reduction Ratio. The “Summary” shows a reduction of triangles from 4368 to 1326.


Apply will generate the collision mesh(es) given the current options. Reset will delete the current collision mesh(es) and reset the options to default.

Demonstration of mesh gears, interacting with each other by the contacts created between them. Default, using the source UnityEngine.Mesh - vertex reduction enabled - as convexes (bad idea for gears) and convex decompositions with Element Resolution Per Axis at 90 to catch (almost) all cogs. Note that most of the time it took performing the convex decomposition has been edited out. It took about 10 seconds per gear.


Avoid generation of collision meshes on prefab instances. To create/modify collision meshes, open the prefab in the Prefab Stage and generate/modify the collision meshes from there. The reason for this is that Unity may hang for a long time due to the amount of Prefab Overrides the collision meshes results in on prefab instances. Height Field

Height field is a static height map that reads the height data from an UnityEngine.Terrain instance.


Height field Inspector properties.

See also

Inherited properties and tools. Plane

Plane collision shape where the plane normal is the y-axis of its transform.


Plane Inspector properties are the default of every other shape. The plane is defined by its transform where the y-axis defines the normal in the plane.

See also

Inherited properties and tools. Additional shapes


Hollow Cylinder, Cone and Hollow Cone supports proper contact generation between each other. When colliding with other shape types a fallback is used, treating either Hollow Cylinder, Cone or Hollow Cone as a convex, generating maximum one contact point. Hollow Cylinder and Hollow Cone doesn’t have a hole either colliding with other shapes since Hollow Cylinder and Hollow Cone are converted to convex shapes.

Hollow Cylinder


Hollow Cylinder Inspector properties with default thickness 0.1, default radius 0.5 and default height 1.0.



Cone Inspector properties with default top radius 0.1, default bottom radius 0.5 and default height 1.0.

Hollow Cone


Hollow Cone Inspector properties with default thickness 0.1, default top radius 0.3, default bottom radius 0.5 and default height 1.0.

2.2.2. Rigid Body

A rigid body is an entity in 3D space with physical properties such as mass, inertia and dynamic properties such as position, rotation and velocity.


Rigid body box (1 x 1 x 1 meters) Inspector with default mass and inertia given default density 1000 \(kg/m^3\).





Mass of the rigid body.


Inertia Diagonal

Inertia diagonal of the rigid body.

(1, 1, 1)

Motion Control

Motion control of the rigid body.


Handle As Particle

Toggle whether rotational properties of the rigid body should be disabled.


Linear Velocity

Initial/current linear velocity of the rigid body - in world frame.

(0, 0, 0)

Angular Velocity

Initial/current angular velocity of the rigid body - in world frame.

(0, 0, 0)

Linear Velocity Damping

Linear velocity damping of the rigid body - in local frame.

(0, 0, 0)

Angular Velocity Damping

Angular velocity damping of the rigid body - in local frame.

(0, 0, 0)





Configure and create constraints.


Disable collisions between this object and objects selected in Scene View. See Disable collisions tool for details.


[Experimental] Create additional shapes as children to this object given visual representations. Select child visual in Scene View and follow instructions in the Inspector.


Create visual representation of current context shapes. See Create visual tool for details.

Affects all shapes associated to the rigid body. Mass properties

Mass and inertia can either be calculated given current shape configuration (size, shape materials and relative transform) of the rigid body, or explicitly assigned in the Inspector.


Mass properties Inspector with automatic calculation toggle, mass/inertia fields and explicit update button. Collision shapes

Shapes can either be added to the game object the Rigid Body component is at, without relative offset, and/or as child game objects with arbitrary relative transform.

Rigid body and box components on the same game object meaning the rigid body shares the transform with the box - suitable when the shape doesn’t have a relative transform to the rigid body.

Rigid body game object with several shapes, of arbitrary relative transforms, as children. Motion control


A dynamic rigid body has mass and inertia, and interacts with other objects through its Shapes and/or Constraints. Dynamics rigid bodies may have an initial linear- and/or angular velocity. The continuous velocities and transform integrations are made by the AGX Dynamics solvers.

A kinematic rigid body has infinite mass and inertia when it interacts with other objects and kinematic bodies has explicit (user defined) linear- and angular velocity.

A static rigid body has infinite mass and inertia but no linear- or angular velocity. The transform should also remain constant through a simulation.

2.2.3. Constraint

Constraint (or Joint) in AGX Dynamics for Unity defines a geometrical relation between one or two objects. Each object in the constraint has its own frame, where that frames z-axis is, by definition, the constraint axis. Several constraint types has a well defined rotation and/or translation axis and that axis is about/along the constraint axis.

Constraints could have controllers. Controllers are drivers or further limitations about/along the constraint axis.






Range, Target Speed, Lock, Electric Motor, Friction



Range, Target Speed, Lock, Electric Motor, Friction

Lock Joint



Cylindrical Joint

Rotation and Translation

Range, Target Speed, Lock, Electric Motor, Friction, Screw

Ball Joint



Distance Joint


Range, Target Speed, Lock, Electric Motor, Friction

Angular Lock Joint



Plane Joint


None Frames


Constraint frames Inspector.

All constraints contains two frames - Reference frame and Connected frame. The reference frame is the main reference frame and by default the connected frame is synchronized to be initialized given the transform of the reference frame.





Parent object that the frame follows when moved.


Local Position

Local position with respect to Parent.

(0, 0, 0)

Local Rotation

Local rotation with respect to Parent.

(0, 0, 0)




Select parent in Scene View.


Find transform given a point on a mesh surface.


Find transform given a triangle edge and surface.


Toggle to enable/disable the transform handle in Scene View. Properties


Constraint Inspector.




Reference frame

Constraint reference frame with Parent and local transform with respect to the parent.

Connected frame

Constraint connected frame with Parent and local transform with respect to the parent.

Disable Collisions

Disable collisions between the pair of rigid bodies in the constraint or disable collisions between reference frame parent against connected frame parent - or don’t disable.

Don’t disable collisions

Solve Type

Constraint solve type Direct, Direct And Iterative or Iterative.


Connected Frame Animated

When true, the transform of the native connected frame is written back to the connected frame.


Translational properties

Compliance, damping and force range of each constrained, translational degree of freedom.

Rotational properties

Compliance, damping and force range of each constrained, rotational degree of freedom.


List of controllers if the constraint type supports controllers.

Translational properties

Compliance, damping and force range of each constrained translational degree of freedom. If the degree of freedom isn’t constrained, the GUI is disabled and has value 0.


A Hinge Translation properties with default values.

Rotational properties

Compliance, damping and force range of each constraint rotational degree of freedom. If the degree of freedom isn’t constrained, the GUI is disabled and has value 0.


A Hinge Rotational properties with default values. Note that the hinge rotates about the constraint axis N (or Z), meaning that degree of freedom isn’t constrained, so these parameters are disabled. Controllers

A constraint controller is constraining a free degree of freedom of a constraint, e.g., the rotation axis of a hinge. Each controller type inherits the following base properties:





Toggle to enable/disable the controller.



Compliance of the controller.



Damping of the controller.


Force Range

The controller may only apply forces within this range.

(-inf, inf)


Controllers of a Hinge. This list is similar for all constraint types that has controllers except for Cylindrical Joint which has both rotational and translational controllers and an additional Screw Controller.

Range controller

Controller that, when enabled, defines a range which the constraint angle should fulfill.





Range the constraint angle should fulfill. Unit distance for translational and radians for rotational controllers.

(-inf, inf)

Target speed controller

Controller that, when enabled, drives the constraint angle with given speed.





Target speed of the constraint angle.


Lock At Zero Speed

Transforms to a holonomic lock when target speed is exactly zero, preventing the angle to drift over time.


Lock controller

Controller that, when enabled, defines a position/angle which the constraint angle should fulfill.





Target position of the constraint angle.


Electric motor controller

Controller that, when enabled, drives the constraint angle given an electric motor model.





Available voltage or voltage drop across the terminals of this motor.

24 V

Armature Resistance

Resistance in the armature circuit.

1 Ohm

Torque Constant

Couples electrical current in to force/torque out.


Friction controller

Controller that, when enabled, adds internal friction forces about/along the constraint axis.




Friction Coefficient

Friction coefficient. Note: If this controller is rotational (Hinge, Cylindrical Joint) the radius of the axle should be included in this value.


Non Linear Direct Solve Enabled

Toggle to enable non-linear direct solves for a more accurate normal force magnitude given current friction force.


Screw controller (Cylindrical Joint)


Controller that, when enabled, defines a relation between the rotational and translational constraint angles in a Cylindrical Joint.





The distance along the screw’s axis that is covered by one complete rotation.

0 Configuration

When constraints normally relates to a pair of objects, the constraint component lives on its own game object where the game object transform is ignored.

Under normal conditions, configuration of a constraint can be divided into three tasks:

  1. Find constraint (reference) frame parent and transform.

  2. Select connected frame parent.

  3. Assign initial values and/or enable and configure controllers.

Tools, such as Find point tool find-point-tool-icon-small, Find edge tool find-edge-tool-icon-small and Select parent tool select-parent-tool-icon-small, can be used to complete (1) and (2).

Using Find edge tool and Select parent tool to configure frames for a Prismatic and a Hinge. The Target Speed controller is enabled with 1 m/s target speed for the prismatic.

2.2.4. Wire

Wire is an adaptive resolution lumped element model for simulating wires, ropes and chains. The resolution of the wire adopts to current tension, filtering out the high frequencies when the wire is under heavy load by removing mass nodes and distributing the mass to other places along the wire. The removed nodes comes back again when/if the tension is low enough. This makes the wire model stable and accurate for a wide range of scenarios, such as heavy loads and/or extremely long (10 km or longer) where for example our fixed resolution model, Cable, will fail to perform.

See AGX Dynamics Wire documentation for further information about the wire model.


Torsion is not included in the wire model.

To create a wire, add the Wire component to a game object or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Wire from the main menu for a new game object with the Wire component added.


Wire Inspector with default values.





List of nodes that defines the initial route of the wire.


Radius of the wire (coupled with Diameter).



Diameter of the wire (coupled with Radius).


Resolution Per Unit Length

Target maximum resolution of mass nodes per length unit.


Linear Velocity Damping

Velocity damping value of the wire.


Scale Constant

Value that indicates how likely it is that mass nodes appears along the wire. Higher value means more likely.



Shape Material of the wire.



Demo Scene and Deck Crane examples. Routing a wire

The wire route is a list of nodes where the order of the nodes is important. Read more about the different node types in the AGX Dynamics Node documentation.

The route is empty by default, the first node is added by pressing (1) in the figure below.


Wire route list Inspector. (1) Append new node to the list. (2) Insert node before, insert node after and erase node.

Each node in the route has a type and a frame. The frame has Select parent tool, Find point tool, Find edge tool and toggle transform handle to manage the transform and visualization of the node. The rotation of the node is only important for Winch Node where the direction of the winch is along the z-axis of the node frame.

Errors in the route are marked in red and the tooltip displays the error.


Route error displaying tooltip: Body Fixed Node can only be at the begin or at the end of wire.

Routing a wire around three cylinders and attaching a dynamic box using eye nodes (slides along the wire). The additional free node before the dynamic box is to add additional length to the route when the wire will wrap around the cylinders when the simulation starts. Rendering the wire

The provided AGXUnity.Rendering.WireRenderer is currently an example implementation of how a wire can be rendered.

While it is supported to use any regular material with this component, it is recommended to use the Cable and Wire shader provided in AGXUnity/Built-In or AGXUnity/Shader Graph. (See Custom AGXUnity rendering materials for more info on which shader to choose.) This shader additionally supports texture scaling on the wire to allow for higher visual fidelity wires. Accessing route positions through scripting

Example how collect the world positions of the route nodes:

var wire = GetComponent<Wire>();

var positions = new List<Vector3>();
foreach ( var routeNode in wire.Route )
  positions.Add( routeNode.Position );

Vector3[] alsoPositions = ( from node in wire.Route
                            select node.Position ).ToArray();

When the wire has been initialized, the route shouldn’t be accessed since there’s more data in the simulation. Collecting the world positions of all points of an initialized wire:

// Extension methods ToHandedVector3() etc.
using AGXUnity.Utils;


var nativeWire = GetComponent<Wire>().Native;

var positions = new List<Vector3>();
var currIterator = nativeWire.getRenderBeginIterator();
var endIterator = nativeWire.getRenderEndIterator();
while ( !currIterator.EqualWith( endIterator ) ) {
  positions.Add( currIterator.getWorldPosition().ToHandedVector3() );

  // Incrementing the iterator on the native side to avoid
  // creating garbage.

// Pooling iterators to avoid garbage.

2.2.5. Cable

The cable module is used to simulate cables, hoses, ropes, short wires and dress packs. These are long structures with a circular cross section that can be bent, stretched and twisted.

See AGX Dynamics Cable documentation for more information about the cable module.

To create a cable, add the Cable component to a game object or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Cable from the main menu for a new game object with the Cable component added.


Cable Inspector with default values.





List of nodes that defines the initial route of the cable.


Radius of the cable (coupled with Diameter).



Diameter of the cable (coupled with Radius).


Resolution Per Unit Length

Target maximum resolution per length unit.


Linear Velocity Damping

Linear velocity damping value of each cable element.


Angular Velocity Damping

Angular velocity damping value of each cable element.


Deform To Initial State

By default, a routed cable will try to straighten it self out, i.e. the resting state is a straight, untwisted cable. When enabled, this option rebinds the resting state after the routing algorithm is run so that the cable will attempt to preserve the initial state instead.



Shape Material of the wire.



Cable Properties of the cable.



Demo Scene example. Routing the cable

Routing a cable is very similar to routing a wire but since the cable model includes torsion, the complete transform of the node is important and the direction of the cable is by definition along the z-axis of the frame.

Another discrepancy from the Wire is there may be any number of fixed nodes along a cable.


The frame tools around routing of cables aren’t currently optimal. The workflow of routing cables will be improved in the future. Cable Damage

Cable Damage is a module that can calculate, aggregate and visualize forces and stress acting on the cable. Adding a CableDamage component to a GameObject with a Cable component will enable cable damage for the cable. The damage calculations and visualizations are configured with a Cable Damage Properties asset.


Cable Damage Inspector with default values.

See AGX Dynamics Cable Damage documentation for in-depth information on the cable damage system and how to configure it.

It is up to the user to create scripts to utilize the generated damage data as desired. The total or the current damage for each segment can also be visualized directly. To do this, there needs to be an active CableRenderer component on the same GameObject. The rendering is then enabled with the Render Cable Damage setting on the component. An example is shown below.


Sample cable with damage configured to rely 100 % on bending deformation.

The Cable Damage visualization is configured on the Cable Damage Properties asset. Cable Rendering

The provided AGXUnity.Rendering.CableRenderer is currently an example implementation of how a cable can be rendered. This component renders the cable with the DrawMeshInstanced method for performance. This requires a graphical Material that has the option Enable GPU Instancing enabled.

While it is supported to use any regular material with this component, some features such as visualization of the damage calculated by the Cable Damage component requires the use of the Cable and Wire shader provided in AGXUnity/Built-In or AGXUnity/Shader Graph. (See Custom AGXUnity rendering materials for more info on which shader to choose.) This shader additionally supports texture scaling on the cable to allow for higher visual fidelity cables.

2.2.6. Deformable Terrain

Deformable Terrain, AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrain, module is a deformable surface enabling objects to perform different operations - such as compressing, digging, pushing/pulling and grading.

See AGX Dynamics Terrain documentation for detailed information about the terrain module.


Currently, the Deformable Terrain component depends on UnityEngine.Terrain which is required to be static, while the AGX Dynamics Terrain module supports dynamic/moving terrains.

To create a Deformable Terrain, add the Deformable Terrain component to a UnityEngine.Terrain game object or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Deformable Terrain from the main menu for a new UnityEngine.Terrain game object with the Deformable Terrain component added. The latter will create a 60 square meter UnityEngine.Terrain with a 257 x 257 height map resolution.

The Terrain width and length with the height map resolution defines the size of the particles while digging. 60 square meters with a 257 x 257 resolution results in a nominal radius of 0.127 meters of the particles.


Deformable Terrain Inspector with default values (Element Size is dependent on terrain width, length and resolution and cannot be changed).




Default Terrain Material

The default Deformable Terrain Material of the terrain.


Terrain Properties

Deformable Terrain Properties of the terrain.


Maximum Depth

Maximum depth possible to dig/deform, see Initialization for further information.


Internal Material Handles

Provides a way to reference the internal Shape Material of the terrain and it’s particles in Contact Material.



Shovels associated to the terrain.


The parameters set in Surface Material and Particle Material under Internal Material Handles are not used by the terrain. Instead these parameters are overwritten based on the parameters set in the Deformable Terrain Material. For this reason it is not recommended to use the same materials for other shapes. The purpose of these materials is to be a handle to use when creating contact materials between terrain objects and external objects. Initialization

When compacting, digging, pushing/pulling and grading the deformable terrain, the heights in the UnityEngine.TerrainData object are updated, and these changes are normally persistent. To prevent the height data from being persistent, Deformable Terrain is storing the initial heights during initialize and writing them back to the UnityEngine.TerrainData object during uninitialize. As a result of this, the data could be lost/left modified if the application exists without proper uninitialization, e.g., due to a crash.

The Unity terrain doesn’t support negative height values and normally one don’t want to raise the whole terrain (using the Unity terrain tools) to be able to dig in the Deformable Terrain. Deformable Terrain solves this by, during initialization, adding Maximum Depth to all height values and compensating the height difference by changing the position of the terrain game object Maximum Depth down. The change of the transform is restored to the original during uninitialization. The change of the transform is made during runtime so the transform will always be restored, even after a crash, but the transform could seem wrong due to the initially changed height values in case of a crash.


Make sure the Terrain Height property under Terrain Settings -> Mesh Resolution is large enough to handle the addition of height made during initialization. E.g., if the hills in the terrain is expected to be at maximum 15 meters high and Maximum Depth is 20 meters, Terrain Height should be at least 15 + 20 = 35 meters.

Initialization summary

  1. Store UnityEngine.TerrainData initial height data into array.

  2. Add Maximum Depth to all heights in the UnityEngine.TerrainData object.

  3. Move the terrain game object Maximum Depth down.

Uninitialization summary

  1. Set UnityEngine.TerrainData heights to the ones stored during initialization.

  2. Restore position of the terrain game object to the original. Shovel

A “Shovel” is any object that can represent a tool used in earthmoving operations - from an excavator or wheel loader bucket to a bulldozer blade.

See AGX Dynamics Terrain Shovel documentation for detailed information about the shovel.

The Deformable Terrain Shovel component requires a game object with the Rigid Body component.

Debug.Assert( bucketGameObject.GetComponent<AGXUnity.RigidBody>() != null );
var shovel = bucketGameObject.AddComponent<AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainShovel>();

Adding the Deformable Terrain Shovel component to a game object with a Rigid Body component.


Deformable Terrain Shovel Inspector with default values.




Top Edge

Top edge of the shovel.


Cutting Edge

Cutting edge of the shovel.


Cutting Direction

Cutting direction of the shovel.



Deformable Terrain Shovel Settings of the shovel.


Auto Add To Terrains

When checked, the shovel is automatically added to all Deformable Terrain instances in the scene on initialization.


For a shovel to be able to dig in the Deformable Terrain, the shovel instance must be added to the Deformable Terrain.

Configuring the edges

See AGX Dynamics Terrain Shovel Setup documentation for detailed information about the edges and cutting direction.

Configuring the edges and cutting direction for a bulldozer blade and a wheel loader bucket.

The directions of the edges and cutting direction are all dependent and must be correct for the shovel to function while interacting with Deformable Terrain. The Inspector tools coupled to the shovel instance are doing their best to find the correct directions. The following capture shows how information is displayed for misconfigured edges. Rendering the particles

The simulated spheres generated from the Deformable Terrain aren’t particles, they’re 6 DOF, so rotation may be taken into account. The included Deformable Terrain Particle Renderer is rendering the particles, including rotation, given a unit size object to instantiate.


Deformable Terrain Particle Renderer Inspector with default values.




Render Mode

Draw Mesh Instanced or Game Object where Draw Mesh Instanced is using UnityEngine.Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced and Game Object is instancing and managing Game Objects and their transforms.

Draw Mesh Instanced

Sync Mode

Whether to update the data for the rendered particles on each update or after the simulation steps

Post Step Forward

Granule Instance

Game Object of unit size containing the visual data. For Draw Mesh Instanced it’s required that Game Object contains one UnityEngine.MeshFilter and one UnityEngine.MeshRenderer with a UnityEngine.Material. It’s also required that the material has GPU Instancing Enable enabled. Game Object mode doesn’t have such requirements but may not perform as well as Draw Mesh Instanced.


Filter Particles

When enabled, this renderer will only render particles that correspond to it’s parent terrain.



When the Filter Particles option is enabled, each renderer still have to iterate all particles in the simulation. As such, enabling this option might incur some performance overhead.

Example how to update the transforms of the instances:

var soilSimulation = DeformableTerrain.Native.getSoilSimulationInterface();
var granulars      = soilSimulation.getSoilParticles();
var numGranulars   = (int)granulars.size();

// More granular instances comparing to last time, create
// more instances to match numGranulars.
if ( numGranulars > transform.childCount )
  Create( numGranulars - transform.childCount );
// Less granular instances comparing to last time, destroy.
else if ( transform.childCount > numGranulars )
  Destroy( transform.childCount - numGranulars );

Debug.Assert( transform.childCount == numGranulars );

for ( int i = 0; i < numGranulars; ++i ) {
  var granule  = granulars.at( (uint)i );
  var instance = transform.GetChild( i );
  instance.position = granule.position().ToHandedVector3();
  instance.rotation = granule.rotation().ToHandedQuaternion();

  // Assuming unit size of the instance, scale to diameter
  // of the granule.
  instance.localScale = Vector3.one * 2.0f * (float)granule.getRadius();

  // Return the proxy class to the pool to avoid garbage.

Creating a deformable terrain particle renderer with different granules. Upsampling Particle Renderer

Another form of rendering terrain particles available in AGXUnity is the AGXUnity.Rendering.UpsamplingParticleRenderer. This renderer uses the simulated particles to instantiate and displace a larger amount of smaller particles completely contained on the GPU. This allows for higher granularity rendering without increasing the simulation complexity.


Upsampling Particle Renderer Inspector with default values.





The desired upscaling factor which the renderer will try to achieve.


Voxel Size

The size of the grid voxels constructed by the renderer. If unchecked, the element size of the parent terrain is used

0.5 (Unchecked)

Ease Step Size

This controls how quickly the particles are eased in/out when spawned/destroyed, in 1/#timesteps


Render Mode

Impostor renders the particles as impostor spheres, while Mesh renders them as instanced meshes.


Color Range

When using the Impostor rendering mode, this controls the color range of the small particles.

White - White

Granule Mesh

The mesh to render when using the Mesh rendering mode.


Granule Material

The material to render when using the Mesh rendering mode.

AGXUnity/Built-In/Upsampled Particle (Surface)

This renderer constructs a voxel grid containing mass and velocity contributions from nearby simulated particles. These voxel grids are then used to spawn, destroy and move smaller particles. Since these particles reside only on the GPU, custom shaders need to be employed to render the smaller particles.

In the Built-in render pipeline there are two options: Construct impostor spheres from the particle positions or render instanced meshes at each of the particle positions. When using HDRP or URP, only the Mesh option is supported. In general, the Impostor option is faster and renders smoother spheres but allows for less customization of the rendered particles.

To create custom materials for the Mesh rendering option, the AGXUnity/Shader Graph/Upsampled Particle or AGXUnity/Built-In/Upsampled Particle shaders should be used. (See Custom AGXUnity rendering materials for more info on which shader to choose.) These currently only support a limited subset of surface options but could be extended to support additional if required. Using different terrain materials

Sometimes, it is desirable to be able to simulate different materials in different parts of the Deformable Terrain. To enable this, a GameObject containing a AGXUnity.Model.TerrainMaterialPatch can be added as a child object to the terrain.


Terrain Material Patch Inspector with default values.




Terrain Material

The Deformable Terrain Material to associate with this patch.


Material Handle

A reference to a Shape Material to use in contact materials between this patch and other objects.


Render Layer

A Unity Terrain Layer used to render the material associated with this patch in the parent terrain


Disable Shapes

When enabled, collisions are disabled for child Shapes.


Disable Visuals

When enabled, Visual components are disabled for child Shapes.


Override Visuals

When enabled, the visual components in the child shapes will be overridden with a default material


When the simulation is started, each patch adds the corresponding Deformable Terrain Material to it’s parent terrain and associates the set Shape Material, if any. After adding the materials, any Shapes that are children to the TerrainMaterial Patch are iterated and the parts overlapping the parent terrain is set to the Deformable Terrain Material of the patch.


An illustration of the Terrain Material assignments based on patches. Note that only parts of the patches that intersect the terrain are set.


An example hierarchy with a terrain with three materials, one default and two patches with corresponding shapes.

When using inhomogeneous terrain materials, it is common to want to render the terrain differently based on the terrain material used. For this reason there is a AGXUnity.Rendering.TerrainPatchRenderer which maps terrain materials to Unity Terrain Layers. By default the Renderer fetches the corresponding Terrain Layers from the AGXUnity.Model.TerrainMaterialPatch instances that are children to the terrain, however, it is also possible to explicitly specify a mapping in the Renderer for materials which do not contain an AGXUnity patch such as materials which are assigned dynamically in scripts. In general, when a terrain cell is updated, the rendering is updated based on the following priority: Explicit mapping > Implicit mapping > Default Layer.


The Terrain Patch Renderer will try it’s best to reset the TerrainData on application shutdown. This is however, not always possible so make sure that the TerrainData (terrain asset) for the terrain is backed up before using the Terrain Patch Renderer.


Terrain Patch Renderer Inspector with one implicit mapping (Patch 2 -> PatchLayer 2) and one explicit mapping (Patch -> PatchLayer).




Default Layer

The Terrain Layer used to render material without mapping

null (First Terrain Layer on Terrain)

Explicit Material Mapping

An explicit mapping from Deformable Terrain Material to Unity Terrain Layers which is prioritized over the implicit mapping

Final Material Mapping

A list of mapped materials and layers, any materials not in the list will be mapped to the default layer

- Soil failure volumes

In addition to using shovels to excavate the terrain it is sometimes necessary to manually convert parts of the terrain into dynamic mass. To accommodate this need there is a Deformable Terrain Failure Volume component which triggers soil failures in the Shapes on the parent GameObject.


Deformable Terrain Failure Volume Inspector with default values.




Add All Terrains On Start

Whether or not to add all Deformable Terrains to the Terrains list on startup.



The terrains on which to trigger soil failure.


When dynamically adding terrains to the scene, the terrains have to be manually added to the Deformable Terrain Failure Volume as soil failures are only triggered on added terrains.

Creating a deformable terrain failure volume. Manipulating the terrain in scripts

The terrain components can be manipulated through C# scripting via the Get/SetHeight(s) family of methods. These methods use both the simulated AGX terrain as well as the visual Unity terrain component to ensure that the two are kept in sync.

These functions are meant to be as similar to the corresponding Unity TerrainData methods. As such the indices provided are the Unity terrain indices which are converted internally to the corresponding AGX index. To find the Unity index from a world position the offset position to the terrain is calculated after which the index is found by dividing the X and Z components by the corresponding terrain sizes and multiplying by the resolution of the terrain:

Vector3 localPosition = worldPosition - terrain.transform.position;
int xIndex = (int)(localPosition.x / terrain.TerrainData.size.x * (terrain.TerrainDataResolution - 1));
int yIndex = (int)(localPosition.z / terrain.TerrainData.size.z * (terrain.TerrainDataResolution - 1));

terrain.SetHeight(xIndex, yIndex, 1.0f);


Terrain manipulation example.

When using the Deformable Terrain Pager component, the index is calculated the same way. However, since the terrain might use different Unity terrains the index is relative to the Unity terrain on which the main Deformable Terrain Pager component is attached.


Because of how the Deformable Terrain Pager tiles are connected to the Unity terrain tiles, setting the heights in a large patch of terrain can be relatively slow compared to when using the regular Deformable Terrain. For this reason it is not recommended to use the manipulation methods on the Deformable Terrain Pager every update.


Deformable Terrain supports calling the manipulation methods before the terrain has been initialized. In this case, the method will simply call the corresponding Unity methods and set the height on the Unity terrain. The Deformable Terrain Pager, however, does not support this functionality.

2.2.7. Deformable Terrain Pager

The Deformable Terrain Pager component allows a large Unity terrain to be split into multiple simulated Deformable Terrain tiles. The tiles are lazily loaded when they are needed and are paged out to disk when they are not. This is useful when a large terrain should be simulated with fine-grained resolution, which would result in unmanageable data sizes using the standard Deformable Terrain. Additionally the Deformable Terrain Pager allows for the use of non-square terrains by connecting multiple Unity Terrain tiles into the desired shape.


The terrain pager is only operating on the Deformable Terrain component. It will not manage load/unload of the associated Unity terrains.

To create a Deformable Terrain Pager, add the Deformable Terrain Pager Component to a UnityEngine.Terrain game object or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Deformable Terrain Pager from the main menu for a new UnityEngine.Terrain game object with the Deformable Terrain Pager component added. The latter will create a 120 meter square with a 512 x 512 resolution height map resolution.

The Deformable Terrain Pager mostly uses the same parameters as the Deformable Terrain component with some additions specific to the paging procedure.


Deformable Terrain Pager Inspector with default values.




Default Terrain Material

The default Deformable Terrain Material of the terrain.


Terrain Properties

Deformable Terrain Properties of the terrain.


Maximum Depth

Maximum depth possible to dig/deform


Tile Size Unit

The unit used when specifying the size of the underlying Deformable Terrain tiles


Tile Size

The size of the underlying tiles


Tile Overlap

The overlap between adjacent tiles


Auto Tile On Play

Whether to recalculate the Tile Size and Tile Overlap parameters as to fully tile the root UnityEngine.Terrain


Internal Material Handles

Provides a way to reference the internal Shape Material of the terrain and it’s particles in Contact Material.



Shovels associated to the terrain.

Rigid bodies

Rigid bodies associated to the terrain. Initialization

When the terrain pager is initialized it finds all terrain neighbors connected to the UnityEngine.Terrain on the parent game object. While the same considerations noted in the Deformable Terrain Initialization section applies to the terrain pager initialization as well, the method is slightly different.

In order to avoid the potentially expensive operation of writing offset terrain data upfront, a runtime AGXUnity.Model.DeformableTerrainConnector component is added to each connected terrain tile. This component performs the deformable terrain initialization/uninitialization procedure on demand for specific tiles. This does, however, mean that some terrain tiles will be offset while others are not during runtime.

In addition to the depth offset procedure, the terrain pager will recalculate it’s parameters during the initialization stage if the Auto Tile On Play option is enabled.


A Deformable Terrain Pager component has to be unique in the UnityEngine.Terrain and all its connected tiles. Initialization will fail if another Deformable Terrain Pager and/or Deformable Terrain is found. Check the Deformable Terrain Pager Inspector for detailed information which other components are causing the error.


Deformable Terrain Pager Inspector when there are conflicting components in one or more of the terrain tiles. Tile Size

Two fundamental parameters of the deformable terrain pager is the Tile Size and the Tile Overlap. These parameters configure how the deformable terrain pager places the underlying simulated tiles. The Tile Size parameter specifies the size of the simulated tiles while the Tile Overlap parameter specifies the overlap at which to place the simulated tiles. The overlap is used to improve the simulation result by making sure that a terrain/shovel interaction can be fully contained in a single simulated tile. As such, it is recommended to choose an overlap which is larger than the largest interaction expected in the scene.

For more details on the size and overlap parameters, please refer to the AGX Dynamics Terrain Pager documentation.


In the C++ API the size and offset parameters are specified in number of elements while the inspector property offers the ability to use either element count or absolute size in meters.

The terrain pager will not create “partial tiles” where part of the tile does not map to a Unity Terrain tile. As such, it is recommended to choose tile size and overlap such that the simulated tiles completely fill the underlying Unity terrain. As the process of finding good parameters for the terrain pager can require quite a lot of trial and error, there is a built in utility for automatically calculating decent tiling parameters based on the current parameters.


Warning in inspector when size parameters does not tile Unity terrain

Parameter Recalculation

The recalculation algorithm used makes heavy use of the number of tiles required to tile the Unity terrain for a given set of parameters. This value is referred to as the R-value of a set of parameters (size, overlap). Note that this value may, initially, not be an integer and the goal of this algorithm is to find values for size and overlap such that it is an integer.

  1. Calculate R-value for the initial parameters, if it is integer no work is needed.

  2. Loop over overlap values in the range [initial overlap, initial overlap + n) for some search range n

    1. Loop over R-values offset from the initial R-value by 0,1,2,…

    2. Calculate the tile size which in combination with the current overlap gives the current R-value.

    3. If the tile size is integer, move on to the next overlap value.

  3. Select the candidate with the lowest absolute difference in R-value to the initial parameters. Tracked Bodies

To determine which deformable terrain pager tiles that should be paged in and which should be stored on disk, the terrain pager keeps track on a set of Deformable Terrain Shovels and Rigid bodies. Each tracked body specifies two radii which trigger the loading of terrain tiles overlapping the radii. These radii are the Preload Radius and the Required Radius. The preload radius specifies the radius at which to start loading in simulated tiles from disk or the Unity terrain. Preloaded tiles are not required to be available during the current time step but is loaded on a background thread and added to the simulation when ready. This is in contrast to tiles within the required radius which specifies that the simulation should wait until the tile is loaded.


Due to how the terrain height data is gathered from the Unity terrain, the initial terrain data fetch will fail. In order to mitigate this the preload radius should be set to at least make a preload fetch before a required fetch or there will be a time step where a required tile is not yet loaded.


Inspector view of tracked shovels with required and preload radii.

2.2.8. Movable Terrain

The Movable Terrain module, AGXUnity.Model.MovableTerrain, is separate terrain component which is meant for cases where a Deformable Terrain additionally needs to be moved during runtime. Under the hood, the component uses the same native component as the Deformable Terrain but uses a simple unity Mesh Filter/ Renderer to work around the limitations on Unity’s Terrain Tiles


While the movable terrain avoids the limitations of Unity’s terrain module, it does also mean that the internal rendering optimizations that Unity performs when rendering terrain tiles are not used when rendering movable terrain tiles. For this reason, it is advisable to only use the movable terrain if the regular Deformable Terrain cannot be used and to limit the usage of the MovableTerrain module to small patches of terrain

To create a Movable Terrain, add the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain component to a game object with a UnityEngine.MeshFilter and a UnityEngine.MeshRenderer, or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Movable Terrain from the main menu for a new game object with the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain component as well as mesh components added.




Size Units

The unit used to specify the size of the terrain.



If Meters is the selected size unit this specifies the total size of the terrain in meter.s



The total amount of cells which should cover the X-axis of the terrain. The Y-resolution and element size is calculated based on this value if Meters is used.



If Cell Count size unit is used, this specifies the amount of cells in the terrain.


Element Size

The side length of each individual cell.


Default Terrain Material

The default Deformable Terrain Material of the terrain.


Terrain Properties

Deformable Terrain Properties of the terrain.


Maximum Depth

Maximum depth possible to dig/deform.


Invert Depth Direction

When enabled, the Maximum Depth of the terrain will be added to the height at each point during initialization and the effective max depth will be set to 0.


Internal Material Handles

Provides a way to reference the internal Shape Material of the terrain and it’s particles in Contact Material.



Shovels associated to the terrain.


While the Cell Count sizing mode provides exact sizing the Meters mode is approximate for the Y-axis. The reason for this is that the underlying cells are required to be square which makes it impossible to create exact cell counts for both axes in most cases. Initialization

While the underlying native component is the same between the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain and the AGXUnity.DeformableTerrain there are some differences in the initialization procedure. For one, the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain component gives the user greater control over the properties of the agxTerrain.Terrain tile as the limitations of the UnityEngine.Terrain does not apply to it. This gives the user a means to specify the width, height` and importantly, the Element Size of the terrain directly without having to go through the UnityEngine.Terrain settings.

Furthermore, since the limitations on negative heights described in Deformable Terrain Initialization does not apply to the Mesh components used in the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain, the initialization procedure described is not performed for the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain. Note that this means that the UnityEngine.Transform of the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain will not be offset by the Maximum Depth of the terrain.


The AGXUnity.MovableTerrain component is treated as a Shapes to uniformly handle AGXUnity.MovableTerrain components being added to parent Rigid Body components. Texturing of the terrain

One downside to using the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain component over the AGXUnity.DeformableTerrain is that Unity’s built-in terrain tools does not support mesh components. This means that to texture the AGXUnity.MovableTerrain GameObjects, the same procedure is used as for any other mesh. To make this process easier the UV coordinates on the mesh filter is set to change by one unit per meter in the world. This means that tiling textures can be used as if each tile is 1x1 meter.


When setting up terrain layers the tiling options specify the size per tile while when setting up regular materials the option instead specify a multiplier to the texture coordinate. To achieve the same scale, 1/layerSize should be used when specifying material tiling.

2.2.9. Track

Continuous track is part of the AGX Dynamics agxVehicle module.

See AGX Dynamics Track documentation for detailed information about track wheel, track and properties.

To create a Track, add the Track component to a game object or click AGXUnity -> Model -> Track for a new game object with the Track component added.


Track Inspector with default values.




Number Of Nodes

The number of nodes/shoes of the track.



Thickness of the track.



Width the track.


Initial Tension Distance

Initial node separation of the track nodes.



Track Properties of the track.


Internal Merge Properties

Track Internal Merge Properties of the track.



Shape Material of the track.



Wheels associated to the track.

Creating and configuring a track using available tool to select track wheels and adding the track wheel to the Track instance, using Scene View. If the selected object doesn’t have a Track Wheel component, the component is added to the Rigid Body game object.

Creating and configuring a track using individual components.


Demo Scene example. Track Wheel

The Track Wheel component is used by Track instances as an implicit definition of the geometry of the wheel. It contains a frame where the direction of the axes are important. For more information, read the AGX Dynamics Track Wheel documentation.


Track Wheel Inspector with initial estimated values.

In Reset of the Track Wheel component, the radius, model and the rotation axes are estimated.

Radius estimation

If the associated Rigid Body has one or more shapes with a property named Radius - the maximum value of Radius is used.

If the associated Rigid Body doesn’t have shapes with a defined radius any UnityEngine.MeshFilter under the rigid body is tested, where if two extents of the local bounding box are similar and the last is smaller, the extents of the larger two is assumed to be the radius. The maximum radius of all collected mesh filters under the rigid body is used.

Model estimation

If the name of the game object contains the sub-string of the different model names, the model is assumed to be that model. The model names are Sprocket, Idler and Roller. The sub-strings are matched with lower cases.

For example, MySprocket72 -> AGXUnity.Model.TrackWheelModel.Sprocket and an_idler_4 -> AGXUnity.Model.TrackWheelModel.Idler. If no match is found, the default model (AGXUnity.Model.TrackWheelModel.Roller) is used.

Relative frame estimation

The rotation axis (y-axis) is found by either using the default rotation axis (y-axis) of any Cylinder or Capsule, or similar to Radius estimation, using the shortest extent of the local bounds of a mesh filter under the rigid body.

The wheel up axis (z-axis) is found by rotating about the rotation axis towards the y-axis of the rigid body game object. Track Rendering

By default, the Track component is not rendered. To render the track, the AGXUnity.Rendering.TrackRenderer component is used. The Track renderer currently only supports GameObject spawn based rendering.


Track Renderer with default values.

The track renderer allows the user to specify a prefab which will be used to render each individual node in the track. By default, this uses the Resources/Debug/BoxRenderer prefab to render the nodes.

When the Automatic Scaling option is used, the selected rendering resource will be scaled based on the track node size. This scaling assumes that the resource provided is sized a 1x1x1m node.

2.2.10. Tire

AGX Dynamics for Unity supports both One- and Two Body Tire models where One Body Tire is performing contact reduction and orienting the friction plane given the rotation axis. Two Body Tire is a model with two constrained rigid bodies, the tire and the rim, to model the deformation of the tire.

See AGX Dynamics Tire Model documentation for more information about Two Body Tire.

2.2.11. Hydro- and Aerodynamics

When an object is moving through air, water or another fluid it is affected by hydrodynamic effects such as lift, drag and added mass. This functionality is enabled by adding a Wind And Water Manager to the scene.

All objects interacting with the Water associated to the Wind And Water Manager will be subject to hydrodynamics forces. Aerodynamics is disabled by default and enabled using the Aerodynamics Parameters component.

See AGX Dynamics Hydro- and Aerodynamics documentation for more information.


Demo Scene example. Hydrodynamics Parameters

It’s possible for objects to have different hydrodynamics specific parameters, such as drag, lift and mesh resolution. Add the Hydrodynamics Parameters to the object, or group of objects, the parameters should affect.


Hydrodynamics Parameters Inspector with default values.




Shape Tessellation

Primitive shape types mesh tessellation quality: Low, Medium, High or Ultra High


Pressure Drag

Pressure drag coefficient - affects force magnitudes along the surface normals.


Viscous Drag

Viscous drag coefficient - affects force magnitudes along the surface tangents.



Lift coefficient - affects force magnitudes along the surface normals depending on the tangential relative velocity.


Propagate To Children

Propagate Parameters to this object and all its children.


The parameter that controls the buoyancy force is Density in the Shape Material of the objects. Aerodynamics Parameters

The Aerodynamics Parameters are identical to the Hydrodynamics Parameters. The only difference is that the aerodynamics calculations is disabled by default - resulting in an extra enabled flag in the Aerodynamics Parameters.


Aerodynamics Parameters Inspector with default values.


Aerodynamics Enabled is by default true in this component, but any object not affected by Aerodynamics Parameters, Aerodynamics Enabled is implicitly false.

Capture showing that aerodynamics is disabled by default and how to enable it for a Rigid Body/Shapes, Wire and Cable.

2.2.12. Adaptive Model Order Reduction - AMOR

Adaptive Model Order Reduction, short AMOR, is a novel technique that reduces the computational complexity of a simulation by merging objects with each other, reducing the overall number of degrees of freedom in the simulation. Unlike sleep/wake, which many physics engines support, AMOR preserves the dynamics of merged sub-systems, enabling further interactions with other objects. This means that, e.g., parts of a coupled system (a complex crane for example) may be merged while the reactive forces on an active actuator is still accurate. Or having 1 500 rocks as payload on an operating Articulated Dump Truck, with complex wheel suspensions and hydraulic flatbed, the rocks may merge with the flatbed during operation, reducing the simulated system size with orders of magnitude.

See AGX Dynamics Merge Split Handler - AMOR documentation for detailed information about this functionality.

This feature is enabled by toggling Simulation (Manager) property Enable Merge Split Handler to true/enabled and by enabling merge and/or split for objects using the Merge Split Properties component.

Enabling the Merge Split Handler using the Simulation (Manager) instance in the scene.


Demo Scene example. Merge Split Properties

The Merge Split Properties component controls enabling/disabling of merging and splitting of objects, given Enable Merge Split Handler is enabled in the Simulation (Manager).

See AGX Dynamics AMOR Merge Split Properties documentation for further information about these properties.


Merge Split Properties Inspector with default values.




Enable Merge

Toggle if the object(s) may or may not merge with other objects.


Enable Split

Toggle if the object(s) may or may not split from other objects.


Geometry Contact Thresholds

Contact thresholds related to merging and splitting of objects in contact.


Constraint Thresholds

Constraint thresholds related to merging and splitting of constrained objects.


2.2.13. Disable collisions

AGX Dynamics for Unity is using named collision groups to filter interactions between objects. Default interaction behavior is enabled, meaning collision groups defines groups that shouldn’t interact.

Objects supporting collision groups are: Collision groups

List of collision groups that will be added to all supported components on subject game object. There’s a per group name option to propagate the group to children of this game object.

The collision groups aren’t affecting interactions until group pairs are disabled in the Collision Groups Manager.


Collision groups Inspector with two groups added. My object group name will be added to all supported objects on this game object. My collection group name will be added to all supported objects on this game object and all its children.




Propagate To Children

Toggle to share this group name with all children.


Force Contact Update

For performance, the collision groups are by default only updated on impact or separation. When enabled, this forces updates of the collision groups for every contact event.



Group tag/name.


Since AGX Dynamics supports groups for rigid bodies it’s not necessary to check Propagate To Children for the rigid body groups to affect its shapes. Collision groups for terrain particles

Since the terrain components include multiple “classes” of objects with the actual terrain heightmap being and the terrain particles being another, it is ambiguous which of these that the collisions group should be applied to. Since the heightfield is more akin to a regular geometry than the collection of particles, the collision group component, by design, only applies to that geometry.

If collision groups are required for the terrain particles it is possible to add the collision groups manually through scripting.

var terrainComponent = GetComponent<DeformableTerrainBase>().GetInitialized();
var soilSim = terrainComponent.GetSoilSimulationInterface();
soilSim.addCollisionGroup( "Particles".To32BitFnv1aHash() );


The collisions group in the code example is added by hash to be compatible with Collision Groups Manager that also does this to the entries added.

2.2.14. Articulated Root

The Articulated Root component manages transform updates of Rigid Body instances when rigid bodies has other rigid bodies as parents. Any child Rigid Body of this component (in Hierarchy) will have its automatic transform updates disabled.

This component is suitable when, e.g., modeling of a robot, where the base may be considered root and fingers/tool the leafs. The rigid bodies affected by this component are collected using GetComponentsInChildren<AGXUnity.RigidBody>().


Hierarchy of robot where all objects within the green rectangle are Rigid Body instances constrained to each other with hinge or prismatic joints.


Articulated Root Inspector where AR_Robot contains the Articulated Root component.


Articulated Robot example.

2.2.15. Rigid Body Emitter

The Rigid Body Emitter component is an emitter that emits Rigid Body instances given a set of prefab templates. A template is spawned inside a given shape sensor with a configurable distribution.


Rigid Body Emitter Inspector when the component has been added to a game object with a shape Box.

If the Rigid Body Emitter component is added to a game object containing a shape, the Emitter Shape property is initialized with that shape. The Emitter Shape property is required to be assigned but the Rigid Body Emitter doesn’t require a shape component on its game object when the Emitter Shape may be assigned manually.




Emitting Quantity

Unit quantity of given Emit Rate. The quantity can be: Count (default) - the number of instances created per second. Volume - the maximum volume emitted per second. Mass - the maximum mass emitted per second.


Maximum Quantity

The maximum quantity to emit.


Emit Rate

Quantity number (Emitting Quantity) per second.


Initial Velocity

Reference initial velocity of an emitted body, given in the frame of the Emitter Shape. This velocity is slightly randomized when a body is emitted.

(0, 0, 0)

Random Seed

Random seed used when emitting bodies which are randomly positioned within the emitter shape and receives some randomized velocity with respect to the given initial velocity. The seed is randomized during component Reset (i.e., when the component is added to a game object or when Reset is pressed from the component context menu).

Random during Reset

Emitter Shape

Sensor shape the bodies should be emitted from within.


Probability Quantity

The probability quantity of the templates probability weights.


Template Render Mode

Whether to spawn Game Objects or render Instanced Mesh when rendering the emitted bodies

Game Objects


List of added template prefabs. The Probability Weight of a template is revealed when the list is expanded. See figure below.



A template prefab expanded in the Inspector has an extra property - Probability Weight. The Probability Weight is controlling how likely it is that this specific template is spawned. Emitter Templates

An emitter template is a rigid body prefab of any shape and/or visual structure as children. The name of the template has to be unique to the Rigid Body Emitter because AGX Dynamics is emitting bodies with a callback and the name of the emitted body is mapped to the prefab resource in Unity.


If the Instanced Mesh render option is selected on the emitter, ensure that the visual material assigned to the template supports instancing.

To add the template to the emitter, drag and drop the prefab from the project view to the Add item area or click the context icon context-drop-down-icon-small on the right for a list of valid prefabs that can be added.



The context icon marked in the image above is only searching for supported prefabs in folders with a Resources folder as a parent. E.g., Assets/Resources/MyTemplates/thisTemplate.asset will show up there. Still, it’s not required for a template to be located in a resources folder. Sink

A rigid body emitter sink is a shape where given, or all, emitted instances from one or many Rigid Body Emitter disappears when in contact with the shape. As soon as the contact between a sink shape and an emitted rigid body is registered, the rigid body is removed from the simulation and its visual representation is destroyed.


Default Rigid Body Emitter Sink Inspector when added to a game object with a shape (Plane). Any shape type is supported to be a sink.





The sink shape instance.


Sink All

Sink all emitted rigid bodies, independent of template or Rigid Body Emitter instance.


Sink Templates

Visible in the Inspector when Sink All is false. List of Emitter Templates this sink should destroy. The template rigid body may be part of any Rigid Body Emitter.


Example showing Sink All and the granularity of using Sink Templates in different sinks. AMOR on emitted bodies

When using a Rigid Body Emitter the amount of bodies in the simulation can easily grow to large numbers. To achieve better performance it is advantageous to use Adaptive Model Order Reduction - AMOR to reduce the computational complexity of the simulation. To accomplish this, the Merge Split Properties component should be added to the Rigid Body Emitter GameObject.


Merge Split Properties applied to the Rigid Body Emitter.

2.2.16. Plotting and data acquisition

To create plots in AGXUnity, the Plot Component can be used together with one or several Data Series that hold the plot data. The Plot Component can also be used to write data to a (.csv) file on disk for later analysis. Plotting can be done in either Visual Scripting or C# scripting. Prerequisite setup for plotting with Visual Scripting

  1. Add AGXUnity to Edit -> Project Settings -> Visual Scripting -> Node Library and then press the Regenerate Nodes button.

    Add AGXUnity to Node Library.

2. Add Plot and DataSeries from AGXUnity.Utils to Edit -> Project Settings -> Visual Scripting -> Type Options. You will most likely want to add RigidBody from AGXUnity as well. This example will also assume you have done so. Then press Regenerate Nodes again.

Add Components to Types. Creating a plot in Visual Scripting

  1. Create a new empty game object and add a Plot Component to a game object.

    Add a new Plot Component to game object.
  2. Add one or several Data Series to the same game object you created in step 1 and set a meaningful name.

    Add new Data Series to game object.
  3. Add a Script Machine to the same game object you created in step 1.

  4. Add variables of the type Data Series to the Script Machine. Drag the Data Series components in the game object into the value fields of the Data Series variables in the Script Machine.

    Set Visual Scripting DataSeries variable.

5. In the Visual Script, create a plot by calling the Create Plot function from the Plot Component from the On Start event. Connect your Data Series variables to the X Series and Y Series input ports axis respectively. There are two Create Plot functions, one is for the Visual Scripting which takes Data Series as argument. The other one is for plotting in C# scripts, and expects agxPlot.DataSeries as input. Make sure to pick the correct one.

Create Plot function.

6. Write data to your Data Series during Simulation by calling the Write function from the On Update event. Below is an example where we plot the linear velocity on the y-axis of a rigid body. This will require a scene variable of our rigid body to call Get Linear Velocity on.

Complete plot logic.

By default, the plot window is not automatically opened in your default browser on Play. This behavior can be controlled through the Auto Open Plot Window property in the Plot Component details Panel.

7. To plot multiple curves on the same plot, simply call the Create Plot function again with the desired Data Series. Remember if you add any new Data Series you will need to write values to the new Data Series on update as well. If you want to plot curves on different plots, the Name parameter in the Create Plot function should be different from the Name parameter in a previous Create Plot function.

Plotting two curves in the same plot. Quickly create required objects for plotting

By clicking on the menu item Plot in AGXUnity -> Plot a GameObject called PlotObject will be created with an added Plot component, two added DataSeries components and a Script Machine. A basic TemplatePlot.Asset will also be created and put into the Assets folder. Now we just need to initialize all variables and connect the nodes in the Visual Script to get a working plot.

Plotting two curves in the same plot. Creating a plot in a C# script

  1. Create a new empty game object and add a Plot Component to a game object.

    Add a new Plot Component to game object.
  2. Create a new C# script and add it to the same game object you created in step 1.

  3. Example of a minimal working example.

using UnityEngine;
using AGXUnity;

public class ScriptPlot : ScriptComponent
  // A GameObject we want to plot some property of
  public GameObject GameObject;

  // Two classes to hold data for the properties we want to plot
  private agxPlot.DataSeries x;
  private agxPlot.DataSeries y;

  // Start is called before the first frame update
  protected override bool Initialize()
    // Get the plot component in our game object
    AGXUnity.Utils.Plot plot = GetComponent<AGXUnity.Utils.Plot>().GetInitialized<AGXUnity.Utils.Plot>();

    // Initialize our x- and y-axis
    x = new agxPlot.DataSeries("Time");
    y = new agxPlot.DataSeries("Velocity");

    // Set units for what we want to plot

    // Create a plot with our x- and y-axis with a plot name and legend
    plot.CreatePlot(x, y, "ScriptPlot", "RigidBody", new Color(1, 0, 0));

    return true;

  // Update is called once per frame
  void Update()
    // Push data every update to our x- and y-axis
} Writing data to file

The Plot Component can automatically write data to a (.csv) file on disk. This is controlled through the Write To File property in the Plot Component panel. If set to true, a file with the name given by the File Output Name will be created. The root path is in the project folder Assets. Default behaviour of writing to file is to not overwrite any existing files. If we want to overwrite a file we need to set the Force File Overwrite property to true.

2.2.17. High Level Components

While most of the components have a direct mapping to an underlying AGX type, some components instead combine multiple components into a higher level aggregate component. These components provide an example of how more complex systems could be modeled using the base components available. Gear Constraint

The GearConstraint component models a geared coupling between two constraint using an underlying powerline <https://www.algoryx.se/documentation/complete/agx/tags/latest/doc/UserManual/source/agxpowerline.html>_ system. Specifically, any translational constraints are added as actuators to the powerline system and translational motion is converted to rotational motion. After any potential conversion, the rotational motion of each end of the system is constrained by a powerline gear configured by the ratio specified in the component.

This is an example of a simple powerline where no added power source is required.


Gear Constraint inspector with default values. Wheel Loader Components

An example of a more complex powerline can be seen in the WheelLoader, WheelLoaderInputController, and WheelLoaderBucketTiltController components. These components model various different aspects of a wheel loader.


Wheel Loader inspector with default values.

The WheelLoader component is an abstraction around a generic wheel loader powerline which builds a powerline with an engine, torque converter, gearbox, front back and center differentials and four tires.

Additionally this component wraps the central steering hinge and the bucket prismatic constraints.

Each component of the wheel loader is found by name so it is important that the various components in the model are named appropriately:

  • The steering hinge should be named WaistHinge

  • The prismatic constraints which elevate the bucket should be named LeftLowerPrismatic and RightLowerPrismatic respectively.

  • The bucket tilt prismatic constraint should be name CenterPrismatic

  • The wheel bodies should be divided into Wheel and Rim and be prefixed with Right/Left and Front/Rear. e.g RightRearWheel and LeftFrontRim. There should be a total of 8 bodies for the wheels.

  • Each wheel should have a hinge called Right/Left, Front/Rear, Hinge. e.g. LeftRearHinge

  • Each wheel should have a lock joint connecting the wheel and rim components, name does not matter here.


Wheel Loader Input Controller with default values.

The WheelLoaderInputController connects a Unity Input System Action Map to the previously described WheelLoader component. The asset provided should contain an action map with the following actions defined:

  • Throttle

  • Brake

  • Steer

  • Elevate

  • Tilt

The WheelLoaderBucketTiltController is meant to compensate for changes in bucket tilt caused by changes in bucket elevation. The component tries to keep the bucket level as the elevation changes.

For an example of how to use the wheel loader components see the Wheel Loader on Terrain example. Conveyor Belt

The ConveyorBelt component models a tracked conveyor belt using a set of parallel Track components connected by lock joints at various points.


Conveyor Belt inspector with default values.

Most of the properties available in the ConveyorBelt component are the same as the corresponding properties in the Track component. Additionally, the properties include options to control the number of tracks to use to simulate the conveyor belt, their widths, as well as the stride, in nodes, between the constraints connecting the individual tracks to each other.

2.3. Managers

2.3.1. Simulation (Manager)

The Simulation is the fundamental single instance scene object of AGX Dynamics for Unity. Simulation owns almost all AGX Dynamics for Unity instances in a scene.

Empty scene vs. scene with an AGX Dynamics for Unity instance vs. explicitly added Simulation (disabling gravity).

To add Simulation to a scene, click AGXUnity -> Simulation from the main menu.


Simulation Inspector with default values and various features to dump the simulation to AGX Dynamics native formats.




Auto Stepping Mode

Simulation Stepping Mode: Fixed Update, Update or Disabled

Fixed Update

Time Step

Simulation time step size.

0.02 (Unity)

Fixed Update Real Time Factor

When Auto Stepping Mode is Fixed Update and Maximum Allowed Timestep > Fixed Timestep in the project settings, this factor can be used to skip simulation updates when Unity is catching up on lost time. If 0.0 (disabled), the simulation time will match Unity fixedTime. If 0.333, three times (1.0/0.333) Fixed Timestep may be spent in stepping the simulation before additional simulation steps are skipped. See recommended settings in Stepping Mode.

0.0 (disabled)


Gravity acceleration in the simulation.

(0, -9.82, 0)

Solver Settings

Solver Settings of the simulation.


Enable Merge Split Handler

Toggle Adaptive Model Order Reduction - AMOR.


Display Statistics

Toggle simulation statistics, rendered in Game View.


Moving Average Frame Size

Option if Display Statistics is enabled. Show simulation time statistics averaged over the last X frames, to make it readable. Reduce to 1 for momentary value, useful when using large time steps or stepping the simulation frame by frame.


Save current step as (.agx)

Save current simulation state to a file.

Dump initial (.agx)

Save initial state of the simulation to a file.

AGX Dynamics log

Enable AGX logging to a file.

Print AGX log to Unity console

Enable printing agx log to Unity console for messages over a given severity


Disable mesh creation warnings

When ticked, AGX-warnings related to the creation of collision meshes are suppressed in the console logs. See Logging for more information

false Stepping Mode

By default, the simulation is stepped in the Unity FixedUpdate callback with the Fixed Timestep time step size given in the Unity Time Manager in Project Settings.

For computationally intensive simulations, or when many objects suddenly interact, the simulation time could exceed the Fixed Timestep time and since wall time is lost, Unity fires FixedUpdate again until the wall time is recovered or maximum for 0.333 seconds.

The recommended settings are:



Auto Stepping Mode (AGXUnity.Simulation)

Fixed Update (default)

Fixed Timestep (Project Settings)

Anything <= 0.02 seconds

Maximum Allowed Timestep (Project Settings)

Same as Fixed Timestep

Manual stepping

It’s possible to drive the simulation from a separate script by disabling auto-stepping and call AGXUnity.Simulation.Instance.DoStep(). The following example is performing (by default) 10 sub-steps of the simulation each FixedUpdate.

using UnityEngine;

public class ManualStepping : MonoBehaviour
  public int NumSubSteps = 10;

  private void Start()
     AGXUnity.Simulation.Instance.AutoSteppingMode = AGXUnity.Simulation.AutoSteppingModes.Disabled;

  private void FixedUpdate()
     AGXUnity.Simulation.Instance.TimeStep = Time.fixedDeltaTime / System.Math.Max( NumSubSteps, 1 );

     for ( int i = 0; i < System.Math.Max( NumSubSteps, 0 ); ++i )
} Logging

There are two types of logs written by AGX; All logging in the Unity components are written directly into the Unity console. In contrast, the native AGX components use a separate logging system.

To enable native AGX logging in AGXUnity there are two options: The log can be written into a file and/or replicated in the Unity console. These options are set in the Simulation (Manager) inspector.

Trimesh creation warnings

When native logging is first enabled, it is common to come across warnings of the type, Trimesh creation warnings for source '<ObjectName>'. These warnings are generally caused by some collision mesh used in the simulation being suboptimal in some way:

  • Invalid mesh winding order

  • Inverted normals

  • Non-waterproof geometry

  • etc.

These issues should preferably be resolved however sometimes it is not possible to resolve these issues directly since the mesh might be used both for collision and rendering. In this case the following steps can be taken:

  • When possible, replace the collision mesh with a primitive using the Shape given visual tool.

  • If a collision mesh is necessary, create a separate collision mesh and use that instead of using the same mesh as for rendering.

  • When the stability of the simulation is not critical or the collision mesh has been verified to work properly, the creation warnings can be disabled.

For more information on the mesh creation warnings, please refer to the AGX Trimesh documentation.


Mesh creation warnings can be disabled in the simulation inspector.

2.3.2. Contact Material Manager

The Contact Material Manager is an optional singleton instance in a scene. When this manager is active, the list of Contact Materials are active and enabled.

Add Contact Material Manager to current scene by clicking AGXUnity -> Managers -> Contact Material Manager from the main menu.

Defining Shape Material for Sphere and Ground. Contact Material and Friction Model for Sphere vs. Ground are created. The changes doesn’t have any effect until the Contact Material is added to the Contact Material Manager.

2.3.3. Collision Groups Manager

The Collision Groups Manager is an optional singleton instance in a scene. When the manager is active, the list of collision group pairs will be disabled for collisions.


Add Collision Groups Manager to current scene by clicking AGXUnity -> Managers -> Collision Groups Manager from the main menu.

To disable a pair use the Add pair panel where the groups may either be input as free text or use the context menu context-drop-down-icon-small for a list of all current Collision groups in the current scene.


Add new disabled pair by typing the group name or click context-drop-down-icon-small for a list of all current Collision groups in the scene.


The Collision Groups Manager adds the collision groups by hash. For this reason, if any collision groups that are added by scripts have to be added by hash as well: component.addCollisionGroup( "collisionGroup".To32BitFnv1aHash() )

2.3.4. Wind And Water Manager

The Wind And Water Manager is a single instance object that has to be added to the scene to enable hydro- and/or aerodynamics. To add the Wind And Water Manager to a scene click AGXUnity -> Managers -> Wind and Water Manager from the main menu.


Wind And Water Manager Inspector with default values.





Water game object with one or several sensor shapes as children.


Water Velocity

Velocity/Current in the water.

(0, 0, 0)

Wind Velocity

Velocity/Wind for objects with aerodynamics enabled.

(0, 0, 0)


Make sure each shape representing water has the Is Sensor toggle set (to true/enabled).


Disable hydrodynamics for certain shapes by disabling collisions between the objects and the water shape(s).

WaterShape is a regular box and transforms into a water volume by enabling Is Sensor and registering the instance to the Wind And Water Manager.

2.3.5. License Manager

The License Manager manages any AGX Dynamics for Unity license in Unity projects and builds.

The License Manager Window is opened from the main menu AGXUnity -> License -> License Manager.


Default License Manager Window without any supported AGX Dynamics for Unity license files in the project. It’s possible to Activate a license, Refresh a license, Deactivate a license, inspect license data and copy an already existing license file to the current project.

While in the Unity editor, the Licence Manager searches for *.lfx files from the project root directory. For example, if the project directory name is MyProject and AGX Dynamics for Unity is located at MyProject/Assets/AGXUnity, it’s valid to place the license file anywhere where MyProject is root, e.g., MyProject/AGX License/agx.lfx or MyProject/Assets/EditorStuff/agx.lfx.

In a build, the search is similar to while in the editor, but the root directory is the build directory, where the main executable is located. If no valid *.lfx file is found, a similar search is made for a Encrypted runtime license activation *.rtlfx file.


Legacy license files, normally named agx.lic, are searched for similar to *.lfx as a fallback when no *.lfx file is found. Previously to 3.0.0 (2021-07-01), the filename was constrained to be agx.lic and located in pre-defined directories, but may from 3.0.0 (2021-07-01) be named *.lic and located in any directory under the Unity project or build directory root. Activate a license

A license is activated using a License Id and Activation Code and results in a file (e.g., agx.lfx) that unlocks AGX Dynamics for the computer/hardware where the activation took place. The license file may be copied and used in unlimited projects and builds on the computer it was activated on, but the number of activations is limited to something small, e.g., two where a developer has a stationary workstation and a laptop.

To activate a license using the License Manager Window, write your License Id and Activation Code into their respective text fields, select a target License File Directory where the generated license should be created, and click Activate. If the activation is successful, a license info section should appear with the generated license information, otherwise check the Unity Console for any warnings or errors.

To activate a license in a script:

// Check for already created, valid, .lfx and .lic files.
if ( !AGXUnity.LicenseManager.LoadFile() ) {
  // License hasn't been activated, activate the license and place
  // the generated agx.lfx in the 'dataPath' directory.
  var success = AGXUnity.LicenseManager.Activate( 123456,
                                                  Application.dataPath );
  // Unsuccessful, print status to the Console.
  if ( !success )
    Debug.Log( "Activation failed with status: " +
                AGXUnity.LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.Status );

The Licence Id and Activation Code is a document of value - avoid using the License Id and Activation Code in scripts. See Encrypted runtime license activation for more information how to activate runtime licenses. Refresh a license

The license will occasionally automatically refresh itself with any updated information from the server. It’s possible to explicitly refresh a license by clicking 1) (figure below) of the license in the License Manager Window. Refreshed license information could be new expired date, enabled modules, etc.


License Manager Window with one loaded, valid license. 1) Update license information/Refresh license from the license server. 2) Deactivate the license and delete the file, for the license activation to become available to activate on another device. 1) and 2) requires internet connection. Deactivate a license

A deactivated license may be activated again, e.g., on another computer. The license file of a deactivated license is not possible to use, so it’s safe to delete the file after it has been deactivated.

To deactivate and delete a license from the License Manager Windows, click 2) of the license to deactivate and delete.

Deactivate a license and delete the file in a script:

using AGXUnity;


var file = LicenseManager.FindLicenseFiles( LicenseInfo.LicenseType.Service ).FirstOrDefault();
if ( !LicenseManager.DeactivateAndDelete( file ) )
  Debug.LogError( "Deactivate and delete failed: " + LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.Status ); Encrypted runtime license activation

The License Id and Activation Code of the runtime license can be encrypted with the final build. The agx.rtlfx file containing the required data can be generated by opening the Runtime Activation Generator window from the main menu: AGXUnity -> License -> Runtime Activation Generator. This window is also opened automatically after a successful build with some of the required fields filled out.


The license information (id and activation code) isn’t tested to be valid against the server.


Runtime Activation Generator window with required fields.

The Reference File is a static file that is unique to your application and is used to encrypt and later decrypt the activation information. If the contents of the Reference File has been changed, the encrypted runtime license has to be re-generated.

The generated agx.rtlfx is placed in <build_directory>/<name>_Data/Plugins/x86_64/agx.rtlfx and will be replaced by a hardware locked agx.lfx file in the same directory after a successful license activation, the first time the application is started. This means that the default behavior is to activate the license for the machine the application is started on, so if the application is tested before being packaged, it’s important that the activated agx.lfx file is replaced by a backed up version of the agx.rtlfx.

It’s also possible to take the contents from the .rtlfx file and manually activating it in a script.

using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using AGXUnity;

namespace Scripts
  public static class RuntimeLicenseHandler
    public static bool ActivateUnlock()
      // Avoiding calls to AGX Dynamics during updates.
      return false;
      // Check if there's already an activated and valid license.
      var hasLoadedValidLicense = LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.IsParsed &&
      if ( hasLoadedValidLicense )
        return true;

      // Check if there's an existing license and try to load it if it exist.
      // If a license file exist we're not performing activation since the
      // current license could have expired or something else is wrong with it.
      // Another choice could be to delete the invalid license and try to
      // activate it again.
      var existingLicenseFile = LicenseManager.FindLicenseFiles().FirstOrDefault();
      if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( existingLicenseFile ) ) {
        // The license manager will log any status or errors.
        return LicenseManager.LoadFile( existingLicenseFile );

      Debug.Log( "Activating AGX Dynamics for Unity license: " + s_activationContent );

      var licenseExt = LicenseManager.GetLicenseExtension( LicenseInfo.LicenseType.Service );
      var activatedLicenseDirectory = Application.dataPath;
      var activatedLicenseFilename = activatedLicenseDirectory + "/agx" + licenseExt;
      try {
        // Note that we're explicitly calling AGX Dynamics but some components here
        // in Unity relies on the AGXUnity.LicenseManager, so if successful, we
        // have to call UpdateLicenseInformation() on the license manager.
        var success = agx.Runtime.instance().activateEncryptedRuntime( s_activationContent,
                                                                       activatedLicenseFilename );
        if ( success ) {
          Debug.Log( "Successfully activated license: " + activatedLicenseFilename );

          // Make sure AGXUnity.LicenseManager.LicenseInfo is updated with our
          // newly activated license.
          Debug.LogError( "Failed to activate license: " + agx.Runtime.instance().getStatus() );

        return success;
      catch ( System.Exception e ) {
        Debug.LogException( e );
        return false;

    private static readonly string s_activationContent = @"RT=XPbueSzfBeG3K2MlxBpf" +
                                                         @"EOfkWfqhEbM3qlIYWVw73I1" +
                                                         @"Vbml0eVBsYAllci5kbGwAcb" +
} Offline license activation

In the case when the Internet access is restricted or when the target computer doesn’t have an Internet connection at all, it’s possible to generate a license file using the following three steps:

  1. Generate an XML document with unique encrypted data of the target computer (without Internet connection). Transfer the file on an USB stick or some other media to a computer with Internet access.

  2. Upload the file or paste its content in the License Portal - Manual Request page, and download the response file (response.xml). Copy the response file to the moveable media.

  3. Generate the license file (agx.lfx) on the target computer given the response file.

Step (1) and (3) includes using the CLI of an application or Unity Editor project where AGX Dynamics for Unity is installed.


Generate the request file of a build containing AGX Dynamics for Unity:

# Usage: -generate-offline-activation <license_id>
#                                     <activation_code>
#                                     <optional_output_filename|license_activation_request.xml>
> MyApplication -quit -batchmode -nographics -generate-offline-activation 12345678 12AB23CD

Similar for the Unity Editor:

> path/to/unity/Unity -projectPath path/to/project ^
                      -quit -batchmode -nographics ^
                      -generate-offline-activation 12345678 12AB23CD


Generate the license file of a build containing AGX Dynamics for Unity:

# Usage: -create-offline-license <web_response_file> <optional_output_license_filename|agx.lfx>
> MyApplication -quit -batchmode -nographics -create-offline-license path/to/response.xml

Similar for the Unity Editor:

> path/to/unity/Unity -projectPath path/to/project ^
                      -quit -batchmode -nographics ^
                      -create-offline-license path/to/response.xml


Line break on Windows Batch is ^ and \ in most other shells.

It’s possible to do the steps using script(s), but it’s not very convenient when the procedure includes several manual steps.

using UnityEngine;

namespace Script
  public static class OfflineLicenseCreator
    /// <summary>
    /// Verifying AGX Dynamics is properly loaded into this process.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool Initialize
        return AGXUnity.NativeHandler.Instance.Initialized;

    public static void GenerateOfflineActivation()
      if ( !Initialize ) {
        Debug.LogError( "Generate offline license activation failed - AGX Dynamics failed to initialize." );

      if ( AGXUnity.LicenseManager.GenerateOfflineActivation( licenseId: 12345678,
                                                              licensePassword: "12AB34CD",
                                                              outputFilename: @"//USB_A/activation.xml",
                                                              throwOnError: false ) )
        Debug.Log( "Successfully generated activation.xml on device USB_A." );
        Debug.LogError( "Failed to generate activation.xml, check console/log for further information." );

    public static void CreateOfflineLicense()
      if ( !Initialize ) {
        Debug.LogError( "Create offline license failed - AGX Dynamics failed to initialize." );

      if ( AGXUnity.LicenseManager.CreateOfflineLicense( webResponseFilenameOrContent: "//USB_A/response.xml",
                                                         licenseFilename: "agx.lfx",
                                                         throwOnerror: false ) )
        Debug.Log( "Successfully create license file agx.lfx." );
        Debug.LogError( "Failed to create license file, check console/log for further information." );

2.3.6. Update Handler

Update Handler is a generic name of a self contained, editor only assembly, located in the AGXUnity/AGXUnityUpdateHandler directory, introduced in version 2.4.3 (2021-06-17). The aim of this manager is to handle and resolve issues during imports/updates of AGX Dynamics for Unity packages.

During an update to a new version, AGX Dynamics for Unity is deleting all scripts and assets under its root directory, normally Assets/AGXUnity, before importing the new version. This works great in Unity versions 2019.3 and earlier but may result in various issues in Unity 2019.4 and newer. The source of the issues are unknown but the resulting errors are solely isolated to AGX Dynamics for Unity, meaning it’s always possible close Unity, delete the AGXUnity directory, start Unity and import the new version - which is not a viable solution. This Update Handler is trying to resolve the issues before manual delete and import is necessary. Update from 2.4.2 and earlier to 2.4.3 and later

Given you’re a current user with AGX Dynamics for Unity version 2.4.2 (2021-06-03) or earlier, and desire to update to version 2.4.3 (2021-06-17) or later, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the AGXUnityUpdateHandler package.

  2. Import the package into the project in which you desire to update AGX Dynamics for Unity.

  3. Update AGX Dynamics for Unity following the steps described in Updating the plugin. Manual recovery from errors after update

If update has been made in a Unity version 2019.4 or newer without this Update Handler, it’s possible to perform the steps manually.

  1. Right click the AGXUnity directory in Project View and select Reimport.

  2. If Reimport isn’t enough (Unity version 2020.1 or newer), add any Define Symbol under Edit -> Project Settings... -> Player -> Scripting Define Symbols and click Apply to trigger a project wide compilation. The define symbol may be removed later on.


2.3.7. Debug Render Manager

The Debug Renderer Manager is a single instance object which is added to the scene to visualize the physics simulation without having to add explicit shape visuals or render data to the components. To add the Debug Render Manager to the scene click AGXUnity -> Managers -> Debug Render Manager from the top menu.


Debug Render Manager with default values.




Debug Render Shapes

Whether or not to debug render the Shapes components in the simulation.


Shape Material

The material used to render the debug shapes.


Render Contact

Whether to render contacts in the simulation and the color to render them in.



The scale of the rendered contacts.


Colorize Bodies

Give each Rigid Body wireframe a distinct color to make them easier to distinguish. (Not the shape debug visual)


Hightlight Mouse Over Object

Highlights the Rigid Body currently under the cursor (if any).


Include In Build

Whether to include the debug renderer in the built application as well.


2.4. Assets

Many configuration objects can be shared between multiple component instances. These objects make use of the Unity asset system to store configuration files to disk and to share configurations between components.

2.4.1. Shape Material

The Shape Material asset mainly used to define how two objects interact through a Contact Material which contains the parameters. Shape Material only has a few parameters which are used independent of Contact Material.

To create a new Shape Material, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Shape Material.


Shape Material Inspector with default values.





Density of an object with this material - affects the total mass of the object.


Youngs Wire Stretch

Young’s modulus stretch of Wire instances with this material.


Youngs Wire Bend

Young’s modulus bend of Wire instances with this material.


Damping Stretch

Stretch damping of Wire instances with this material.


Damping Bend

Bend damping of Wire instances with this material.


Density affects:

  • The total mass of Rigid Bodies but only Shapes can have Shape Materials. The value of the density is ignored when the rigid body has an explicit mass/inertia.

  • The total mass of Wires.

  • The total mass of Cables.

  • The total mass of Tracks.

2.4.2. Contact Material

The Contact Material asset is an essential piece for computational performance, accuracy and stability of objects in contact. A Contact Material defines how two interacting Shape Materials behaves.

To create a new Contact Material, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Contact Material.


Contact Material Inspector with default values.




Material 1

First Shape Material - may be the same as Material 2 but invalid if null.


Material 2

Second Shape Material - may be the same as Material 1 but invalid if null.


Friction Model

Friction Model of the contact material - Default Friction Model if null.


Youngs Modulus

Elasticity of the two interacting Shape Materials.


Friction Coefficient

Primary direction and secondary direction friction coefficients.

(0.417, 0.417)


Restitution when the Shape Materials are impacting.



Spook damping of the interacting Shape Materials.


Adhesive Force

Cohesion of the interacting Shape Materials.


Adhesive Overlap

Target overlap is by default 0, Adhesive Overlap enables x distance overlap to occur before the normal forces turns positive. This could be used to stabilize contacts or should be > 0 when Adhesive Force > 0.


Use Contact Area

Toggle calculation of the contact area between to interacting Shape Materials. Enabling this feature will make Youngs Modulus more accurate and the interactions more stable.


Contact Reduction Mode

Contact reduction mode: None, Geometry (geometry vs. geometry) or All (rigid body vs. rigid body).


Contact Reduction Level

Contact reduction Level: Minimal, Moderate or Aggressive.


Wire Friction Coefficient

Friction coefficients used when a wire is interacting with other objects. The primary (x) friction coefficient is used along the wire and the secondary (y) is used along the contact edge on the other object.

(0.417, 0.417)

When a Contact Material asset has been created and configured it doesn’t affect simulations until the Contact Material has been registered to the Contact Material Manager in a scene.

2.4.3. Friction Model

The Friction Model asset defines how frictional contacts are solved. A Friction Model asset can be assigned to one or several Contact Materials.

To create a new Friction Model, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Friction Model.


Friction Model Inspector with default values.




Solve Type

Frictional contact solve type: Direct, Iterative, Split or Direct And Iterative.



Frictional contact algorithm type: Iterative Projected Friction, Scale Box Friction, Box Friction or Constant Normal Force Box Friction.

Iterative Projected Cone Friction

Box Friction is linear while Scale Box Friction is non-linear, meaning Box Friction is guessing the maximum friction forces, because the normal forces are unknown, while Scale Box Friction solves the system over and over again, adjusting the maximum friction forces given the current normal forces and friction coefficients.

Iterative Projected Friction is recovering the friction cone for any given solve type. This friction model is best suitable for grasping contacts and for anisotropic materials, where the primary and secondary friction coefficients aren’t equal.

Solve type Direct will feed the frictional contact to the direct solver, with accurate result but is likely to be more computationally expensive. Solve type Iterative will feed the frictional contact to the iterative solver, with far less accurate result but is far less computationally expensive. Solve type Split will warm start the iterative solver with normal forces calculated in the direct solver. Solve type Direct And Iterative solves the normal forces in the direct solver, estimates the frictional maximum force in the iterative solver (non-linear part solved in the iterative solver) and the maximum frictional force is fed to the direct solver. Default Friction Model

The default friction model is Solve Type: Split and Type: Iterative Projected Friction.

2.4.4. Solver Settings

The Solver Settings asset containing AGX Dynamics solver and threading related settings. This asset can be added to the Simulation (Manager) in a scene.

To create a new Solver Settings asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Solver Settings.


Solver Settings Inspector with default values.




Number Of Threads

Number of threads available for AGX Dynamics. The initial value is calculated given the number of logical CPU cores divided by two minus one, but max four.

Warm Start Direct Contacts

Toggle warm start of frictional contacts solved with the direct solver.


Resting Iterations

Number of iterations in the iterative solver.


Dry Friction Iterations

Friction refinement iterations during couplings of direct and iterative systems.


Mcp Algorithm

Mixed Complementarity Problem Algorithm used by the direct solver: Hybrid Pivot, Keller or Block Pivot.

Hybrid Pivot

Mcp Inner Iterations

Maximum number of iterations (in the direct solver) to reach inner tolerance.


Mcp Inner Tolerance

Maximum tolerated residual of the solution.


Mcp Outer Tolerance

Maximum number of non-linear iterations (in the direct solver) to reach outer tolerance.


Mcp Outer Tolerance

Maximum tolerated non-linear residual of the solution.


PPGS Resting Iterations

Resting iterations for the Parallel Projected Gauss Seidel (PPGS) solver used in, e.g., Deformable Terrain.



It’s normally not necessary to change these values.

2.4.5. Cable Properties

The Cable Properties asset contains properties that controls the material properties of one or several cable instances. See AGX Dynamics Cable Properties documentation for more information regarding the cable properties.


Plasticity Yield Point is included in and the unused parameter Poisson's Ratio is excluded from AGXUnity.CableProperties.

2.4.6. Cable Damage Properties

The Cable Damage Properties asset configures the Cable Damage visualization and calculation. See AGX Dynamics Cable Damage documentation for in-depth information on the cable damage system. To create a new Cable Damage Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Cable Damage Properties.


Cable Damage Properties Inspector with default values.

The Cable Damage visualization of the damage per segment can be configured through the Inspector on the Cable Damage Properties asset. The current, or the accumulated, damage can be chosen to be visualized. The visualization will adjust the color of the visual Material of the CableRenderer component, as an interpolation between two colors, that can be configured. The damage value for the minimum color is always 0, while the damage value for the maximum color can be set as either some fixed value, or more adaptively as the largest damage value of the current simulation step. This is configured with the Damage Color Mode setting.


The default values are all 0 so no damage will be aggregated unless the properties are configured.

2.4.7. Deformable Terrain Material

Deformable Terrain Material properties related to Deformable Terrain instances. To create a new Deformable Terrain Material asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Deformable Terrain Material.


Deformable Terrain Material Inspector with default values. Material Library

Starting from 2.1.0 (2020-06-26), AGX Dynamics for Unity and AGX Dynamics supports terrain material libraries where the material parameters are defined in json files. The files are located in AGXUnity/Plugins/x86_64/agx/data/TerrainMaterials and available materials are listed under Preset in the Inspector GUI.


Project view of the location of the deformable terrain material library.


Inspector of available terrain materials.

To add a new material to the library, create a new file in the TerrainMaterials directory, e.g., my_soil_material.json:

   "BulkProperties" : {
      "cohesion" : 12000.0,
      "density" : 1300.0,
      "dilatancyAngle" : 0.2268928027592629,
      "frictionAngle" : 0.7504915783575616,
      "maximumDensity" : 2000.0,
      "poissonsRatio" : 0.150,
      "swellFactor" : 1.280,
      "youngsModulus" : 5000000.0
   "CompactionProperties" : {
      "angleOfReposeCompactionRate" : 24.0,
      "bankStatePhi" : 0.6666666666666666,
      "compactionTimeRelaxationConstant" : 0.050,
      "compressionIndex" : 0.110,
      "hardeningConstantKE" : 1.0,
      "hardeningConstantNE" : 0.08333333333333333,
      "preconsolidationStress" : 98000.0,
      "stressCutOffFraction" : 0.010
   "ExcavationContactProperties" : {
      "aggregateStiffnessMultiplier" : 0.050,
      "depthDecayFactor" : 2.0,
      "depthIncreaseFactor" : 1.0,
      "excavationStiffnessMultiplier" : 1.0,
      "maximumAggregateNormalForce" : "inf",
      "maximumContactDepth" : 1.0
   "ParticleProperties" : {
      "adhesionOverlapFactor" : 0.050,
      "particleCohesion" : 200.0,
      "particleFriction" : 0.40,
      "particleRestitution" : 0.0,
      "particleRollingResistance" : 0.10,
      "particleTerrainCohesion" : 200.0,
      "particleTerrainFriction" : 0.70,
      "particleTerrainRestitution" : 0.0,
      "particleTerrainRollingResistance" : 0.70,
      "particleTerrainYoungsModulus" : 100000000.0,
      "particleYoungsModulus" : 10000000.0
   "description" : "This material specification is named my_soil_material."

Change Preset in the Deformable Terrain instance(s) that should use the new material.


New terrain materials appears in the Deformable Terrain Material Inspector under Preset.

2.4.8. Deformable Terrain Properties

Properties related to Deformable Terrain instances. To create a new Deformable Terrain Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Deformable Terrain Properties.


Deformable Terrain Properties Inspector with default values.

2.4.9. Deformable Terrain Shovel Settings

Settings related to Deformable Terrain Shovel instances. To create a new Deformable Terrain Shovel Settings asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Deformable Terrain Shovel Settings.


Deformable Terrain Shovel Settings Inspector with default values.

2.4.10. Track Properties

Properties related to Track instances. To create a new Track Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Track Properties.


Track Properties Inspector with default values.

See Track Properties documentation for detailed information about each property.

2.4.11. Track Internal Merge Properties

Internal merge properties related to Track. To create a new Track Internal Merge Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Track Internal Merge Properties.


Track Internal Merge Properties Inspector with default values.

These properties controls if and how the track instance merge neighboring nodes for increased computational performance. Merged nodes split when in contact with Sprocket or Idler, or with another Track Wheel type with Split Segments property enabled.

2.4.12. Two Body Tire Properties

Properties related to Tire instances when using the Two Body Tire model. To create a new Tire Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Two Body Tire Properties.


Two Body Tire Properties Inspector with default values.

See Tire Properties documentation for detailed information about each property.

2.4.13. Geometry Contact Merge Split Thresholds

Contact thresholds related to Merge Split Properties. To create a new Geometry Contact Merge Split Thresholds asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Geometry Contact Merge Split Thresholds.


Geometry Contact Merge Split Thresholds Inspector with default values.

2.4.14. Constraint Merge Split Thresholds

Constraint thresholds related to Merge Split Properties. To create a new Constraint Merge Split Thresholds asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Constraint Merge Split Properties.


Constraint Merge Split Thresholds Inspector with default values.

2.4.15. Conveyor Belt Properties

This asset contains the compliance of the constraints linking the individual tracks which make up the Conveyor Belt. To create a new Conveyor Belt Properties asset, right click the project view and click AGXUnity -> Conveyor Belt Properties.


Conveyor Belt Properties Inspector with default values.

2.5. Tools

2.5.1. create-constraint-tool-icon-small Create constraint tool

Tool to create and configure a new constraint.


Create constraint Inspector dropdown tool.

  1. Verify/select name.

  2. Choose constraint type.

  3. Configure reference frame.

  4. Select parent of connected frame.

  5. Select disabled collisions state - default is disabled.

  6. Press Create to create the constraint - Cancel to discard any changes.

2.5.2. shape-resize-tool-icon-small Shape resize tool

Tool to change size of supported primitive shapes using arrow handles in Scene View. Supported shapes are:

The arrow handles are activated when this tool is active and when dragging any arrow in the Scene View the shape is expanded in the direction of the mouse drag. For symmetric resizing hold Left Shift.

Symmetric Left Shift and asymmetric resize of primitive shapes that supports the shape resize tool.


Previous to version 3.1.0 (2021-10-18), Left Ctrl had to be held down for the resize handles to appear, and Left Ctrl + Shift for symmetric resizing.

2.5.3. shape-from-tool-icon-small Shape given visual tool

Tool to create a collision primitive given a visual mesh. When the tool is selected on a rigid body, a number of visual objects can be selected in the editor view. Use Shift select multiple objects and Ctrl to toggle the selection of an object.

After a selection has been made, choose a primitive from the tool view to create an approximation for each of the selected visual objects using the given primitive. When hovering the primitive buttons, a preview of the shape which would be created is shown.


While the tool attempts to find a good approximation for the primitive it is recommended to use this tool in conjunction with the shape resize tool to modify the created primitives manually after creation.

Creating collision geometry for a table model. Shift/Control is used to select all legs at once.


When a primitive is created the tool is deactivated and it might appear that no changes were made to the Scene. This is because the newly created primitive has no visual element attached to it. For this reason, it can be useful to enable debug rendering while creating primitives for large scenes.

2.5.4. create-visual-tool-icon-small Create visual tool

Tool to create visual representation of a shape or several shapes, depending on context. When this tool is activated for a Rigid Body a list of all shapes that doesn’t already have a visual representation is shown. When this tool is activated for a Shapes instance, the tool will only affect that instance - independent of any further shape children to that shape.

All shapes are children to the rigid body. 1. Sphere visual is created using this tool with the sphere shape as context. 2. All the other shapes visuals is created using this tool with the rigid body as context. Note that the sphere doesn’t appear in the list when it already has visual representation. 3. Create a new material for the box and change color to red.


AGX Dynamics for Unity has its own visual component to mark shapes with already created visuals. This means that this tool will still try to create visual representations for objects that already has a UnityEngine.MeshFilter.

2.5.5. disable-collisions-tool-icon-small Disable collisions tool

Simple utility tool that adds unique group names to objects and then adds the group pair to Collision Groups Manager.

Disabling collisions between the rigid body box and other objects by selecting objects in Scene View.

2.5.6. select-parent-tool-icon-small Select parent tool

Tool to select/change a parent in a frame, by selecting an object in Scene View.

Configuring a hinge by choosing reference frame parent and alternating the connected frame parent between the box and the cylinder.

2.5.7. find-edge-tool-icon-small Find edge tool

Finds a parent object and relative transform given a triangle edge and a direction. This tool is convenient for initializing frames in constraints, tire/wheel, cable and wire routs.

This tool contains four stages:

  1. Select parent tool to find the parent to the frame.

  2. Select edge.

  3. Select point on the selected edge. Note that the point snaps to begin, middle and end of the edge. For free move hold Ctrl.

  4. Select z direction of the final transform.


Creating two hinges, one on each side of the frame, using the Find edge tool.

2.5.8. find-point-tool-icon-small Find point tool

Find a parent object and relative transform given an object surface position and a direction. This tool is convenient for initializing frames in constraints, tire/wheel, cable and wire routes.

Configuring a hinge using the Find point tool.

2.6. File Import/Export

Unity supports import of several 3D formats (.fbx, .dae, .3ds, .dxf, .obj, .skp). AGX Dynamics for Unity supports additional imports, both pure mesh data (.stl) and physics decorated (.agx, .aagx, .urdf).

2.6.1. URDF Import

AGX Dynamics for Unity supports reading Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) files into an easily queryable structure (AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model) which contains all the data.

There are many options what to do with the model data - it can for example be instantiated in a scene with AGX Dynamics for Unity physics components and game objects.


If the collision shape is an imported model, such as .fbx or .dae, make sure the collision data is accessible for the collision mesh to be created, before the URDF model is imported.

Below is an example of a link and a joint from ABB IRB 5400 where link_3 and joint3 are expanded in the model tree with their corresponding AGXUnity.RigidBody and AGXUnity.Constraint.

<link name="link_3">
        <mesh filename="package://abb_irb5400_support/meshes/irb5400/visual/link_3.dae"/>
     <material name="">
        <color rgba="0.7372549 0.3490196 0.1607843 1"/>
        <mesh filename="package://abb_irb5400_support/meshes/irb5400/collision/link_3.stl"/>
     <material name="">
        <color rgba="1 1 0 1"/>
_images/urdf_model_link_inspector.png _images/urdf_model_link_rb_inspector.png
<joint name="joint3" type="revolute">
  <parent link="link_2"/>
  <child link="link_3"/>
  <origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 1.200"/>
  <axis xyz="0 1 0"/>
  <limit effort="100" lower="-1.308" upper="1.308" velocity="2.3911"/>
_images/urdf_model_joint_inspector.png _images/urdf_model_joint_constraint_inspector.png

Note that the link_3 element doesn’t include an <inertial> definition so the mass properties of link_3 is calculated given the shape defined under <collision> (with default density 1000 kg/m3).

All defined data for link and link is read and stored in an instantiated model. When some data requires context, it’s possible to access the original data from anywhere suitable. For example joint <limit ... velocity="2.3911" .../> is, from the specification, “An attribute for enforcing the maximum joint velocity.”. I.e., not the speed/velocity to be assigned to the motor but rather a safety limit, defining the maximum velocity of the joint (m/s for prismatic and rad/s for revolute/hinge). Below is an example script exemplifying how to access the joint data and recover the joint <limit> element from the file. The script is attached to the game object containing the AGXUnity.Constraint named joint3.

using UnityEngine;
using AGXUnity;
using AGXUnity.IO.URDF;

namespace Scripts
  public class UJointDataRead : ScriptComponent
    protected override bool Initialize()
      var jointData   = GetComponent<ElementComponent>().Element as UJoint;
      var limitData   = jointData.Limit;
      var maxVelocity = limitData.Velocity;
      Debug.Log( name + ": Maximum velocity is " + maxVelocity + "." );
      Debug.Log( "<limit effort=\"" + limitData.Effort + "\" " +
                        "lower=\"" + limitData.Lower + "\" " +
                        "upper=\"" + limitData.Upper + "\" " +
                        "velocity=\"" + limitData.Velocity + "\"/>" );
      return true;
_images/urdf_joint_data_example_console.png Reading an URDF model

Read a model given filename (including path) to an .urdf file.

try {
  var model = AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model.Read( "Assets/URDF/my_robot.urdf" );

  Debug.Log( "#links: " + model.Links.Length );
  foreach ( var link in model.Links )
    Debug.Log( "    link: " + link.Name );

  Debug.Log( "#joints: " + model.Joints.Length );
  foreach ( var joint in model.Joints )
    Debug.Log( "    joint " + joint.Parent + " <-> " + joint.Child + ": " + joint.Name );
catch ( AGXUnity.UrdfIOException e ) {
  Debug.LogException( e );

Any error found in the file during parse will throw an AGXUnity.UrdfIOException stating which line (in the URDF file) and what type of error occurred. If AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model.Read returns, the file is interpreted as valid and model in the above example wont be null.

To view the read data in the inspector - create a new game object, add the AGXUnity.IO.URDF.ElementComponent to it and assign the model.

try {
  var model = AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model.Read( "Assets/URDF/my_robot.urdf" );

  var go = new GameObject( model.name );
  go.AddComponent<AGXUnity.IO.URDF.ElementComponent>().SetElement( model );
catch ( AGXUnity.UrdfIOException e ) {
  Debug.LogException( e );
_images/urdf_read_my_robot_inspector.png Instantiating an URDF model

There are several different scenarios where an URDF model can be instantiated in a scene. For example by selecting an URDF file in the Project tab, from an editor script or during runtime. Runtime instantiation is in general supported but it’s up to Unity and the user to manage any required resources. See URDF resources for further information.

Instantiate selected URDF file

Navigate to the URDF file in the project, right click and select AGXUnity -> Import -> Selected URDF [instance].

If the model requires external resources, such as visual/collision meshes or textures, the AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Reader.Instantiate method (invoked from Selected URDF [instance]) will search the project directory hierarchy for matching directories. If exactly one match is found, the model will be instantiated with the matching directory as package root. If zero or more than one directory is found, a folder panel will show where the user manually must select the package root directory.

Instantiate an URDF model from an editor script

If the model doesn’t require resources but you want undo/redo to work, hook on the onCreate callback to register created instances.

try {
  var undoId = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
  // Assuming "using AGXUnity.IO.URDF".
  var instance = Model.ReadAndInstantiate( "Assets/URDF/my_robot.urdf",
                                           null, // Resource loader
                                           obj =>
                                             Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( obj, "Created: " +
                                                                                  obj.name ) );
  Undo.CollapseUndoOperations( undoId );
catch ( AGXUnity.UrdfIOException e ) {
  Debug.LogException( e );

Reading and instantiating a model doesn’t require the Editor. The example above is exemplifying how to support Editor specific undo/redo and is assuming that the model doesn’t requires any external resources. External resources are in general different depending on if the resource is loaded from within the Editor (UnityEditor.AssetDatabase) or during runtime (UnityEngine.Resources). See URDF resources for further information. URDF resources

URDF files either references external resources with relative path (with respect to the .urdf file), e.g, <mesh filename="../meshes/my_robot/visual/base.dae"/>, or normally by using package://, e.g, <mesh filename="package://my_robot_model/meshes/my_robot/visual/base.dae"/>, defining the resource root directory. You either know the package root directory or you have to find it, and depending on in what context the resource is loaded, the loading is different. During runtime the resource has to be found (and compatible with Unity resources) in a Resources directory hierarchy and in the Editor it’s either AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject> or manual handling if the format isn’t supported by Unity. Instantiating a model will fail on any failed resource load.

Both AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model and AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Reader has a method CreateDefaultResourceLoader taking dataDirectory as argument, convenient when you know the package root directory and in which context the model is instantiated (Editor vs runtime). The difference is that AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Model.CreateDefaultResourceLoader takes an additional argument resourceLoad which the AGXUnityEditor version is implementing as:

return Model.CreateDefaultResourceLoader( dataDirectory,
                                          ( filename, type ) =>
                                            AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<GameObject>( filename ) );

If the second argument is null (the actual resource load call), the load of resources will default to UnityEngine.Resources.Load<Object>( filename ) which requires filename to be in the Resources directory hierarchy and supported by Unity, except for .stl files which are handled by the default resource loader.

Below is an example of a custom resource loader, assuming all resources referenced in the URDF file are STL files. The STL files are imported using STL Import which creates instances that has to be removed when the model has been instantiated.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;

using AGXUnity.IO.URDF;
using AGXUnity.IO;

public static class IOUtils
  // This example only support load/instantiate of STL resources.
  public static Func<string,
                      Object> MyCustomResourceLoader( string dataDirectory = "",
                                                          Object> resourceLoad = null )
    var loadedInstances = new List<GameObject>();
    Func<string, Model.ResourceType, Object> resourceLoader = ( resourceFilename, type ) =>
      // Final call to this resource loader. We'll receive this
      // call even if the model contains errors. Destroy all
      // created instances.
      if ( type == Model.ResourceType.FinalizedLoad ) {
        loadedInstances.ForEach( instance => Object.DestroyImmediate( instance ) );
        loadedInstances = null;
        return null;

      // Remove "package://" and/or include given dataDirectory.
      if ( resourceFilename.StartsWith( "package:/" ) )
        resourceFilename = dataDirectory + resourceFilename.Substring( "package://".Length );
      else if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dataDirectory ) )
        resourceFilename = dataDirectory + resourceFilename;

      var isStlFile = Path.GetExtension( resourceFilename ).ToLower() == ".stl";

      // STL file we instantiate it and delete them at FinalizeLoad.
      if ( isStlFile ) {
        var stlInstances = StlFileImporter.Instantiate( resourceFilename );
        loadedInstances.AddRange( stlInstances );
        return stlInstances.FirstOrDefault();
      return null;
    return resourceLoader;
} Saving an URDF as prefab

URDF as assets and/or prefab was added in 3.1.0 (2021-10-18). It’s now possible to import an URDF model as prefab by right clicking an URDF file in the project and navigate to AGXUnity -> Import -> Selected URDF [prefab].... A folder panel will open for each selected, and successfully imported, model for the target directory of the prefab and its assets.


Re-import of a modified .urdf file isn’t supported. A new prefab will be created with a different name if the prefab already exist in the target directory.

An instantiated URDF model contains instances of AGXUnity.IO.URDF.Element and may contain instances of UnityEngine.Mesh and UnityEngine.Material. Unsaved mesh and material instances origins from STL resources and URDF material declarations. If a game object of an URDF model is, e.g., drag-dropped to the project to create a prefab, all the unsaved instances has to be saved as well before the prefab is created. It’s not possible in Unity to know when a prefab is about to be created (e.g., when drag-dropped), so saving the assets and/or prefab has to be done manually by clicking a button, using context menus or by implementing a custom editor script.


If all assets has been saved or already is on disk it’s possible to drag-drop the game object to create a prefab.

Game object context menu

Right click root game object in the Hierarchy where the root game object has at least one URDF model in its children. In the context menu, navigate to AGXUnity -> Save -> URDF Model(s) as prefab... or AGXUnity -> Save -> URDF Model(s) assets.... A folder panel will open to select which directory the assets and prefab should be saved in the project.

All URDF model children of the selected game object will be exported to the given directory.

URDF model Inspector buttons

As for the context menu, there are two options in the Inspector of the model to save the data.


(1) Save the URDF model assets and game object as prefab to a folder in the project. (2) Save the URDF model assets to a folder in the project. Both buttons will result in a folder panel to open when pressed. (1) is disabled when the model is a prefab and (2) is disabled when the assets has been saved.

Custom Editor script

The main features are implemented in the static editor class AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Prefab. The following example is saving a selected URDF model game object in resources the Assets/Resources/Robot directory and the URDF model assets in the Assets/URDF Assets. Note that calling AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Prefab.Create will save the prefab and its assets in the same folder. This example demonstrates how to separate the assets from the prefab.

using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

using AGXUnity.IO.URDF;

namespace Scripts.Editor
  public static class SaveUrdfData
    private static readonly string ModelAssetsPath = "Assets/URDF Assets/";
    private static readonly string ModelPrefabPath = "Assets/Resources/Robots";

    [MenuItem( "GameObject/My URDF/Save as prefab resource" )]
    private static void SaveAsPrefab( MenuCommand command )
      if ( command.context == null )

      // Create directories if at least one doesn't exist.
      // It's important to save and refresh the assets
      // database for Unity to be able to save assets there.
      if ( !Directory.Exists( ModelAssetsPath ) ||
           !Directory.Exists( ModelPrefabPath ) ) {
        Directory.CreateDirectory( ModelAssetsPath );
        Directory.CreateDirectory( ModelPrefabPath );

      // Find our context from the current selection. If
      // it's multi-select, SaveAsPrefab will be called
      // for each selected object.
      var selected = Selection.GetFiltered<GameObject>( SelectionMode.Editable |
                                                        SelectionMode.TopLevel )
                              .FirstOrDefault( go => go == command.context );
      var isPrefab = selected != null &&
        PrefabUtility.GetPrefabInstanceStatus( selected ) != PrefabInstanceStatus.NotAPrefab;

      if ( selected == null ) {
        Debug.LogError( "Unable to save URDF prefab - selected game object isn't editable.",
                        command.context );
      else if ( isPrefab ) {
        Debug.LogError( "Unable to save URDF prefab - selected game object is already a " +
                        "prefab: " +
                        PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetPathOfNearestInstanceRoot( selected ) );

      var urdfModels = Utils.GetElementsInChildren<Model>( selected );
      if ( urdfModels.Length == 0 ) {
        Debug.LogError( "Unable to save URDF prefab - selected game object doesn't contain " +
                        "any URDF models." );

      foreach ( var urdfModel in urdfModels ) {
        // Utility to find the game object the URDF model is located on.
        var urdfModelGo = Utils.FindGameObjectWithElement( selected, urdfModel );

        // Save the assets in our URDF Assets directory.
        AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Prefab.CreateAssets( urdfModel,
                                                    urdfModelGo.name );
        // Save the prefab under resources.
        AGXUnityEditor.IO.URDF.Prefab.Create( urdfModel,
                                              ModelPrefabPath );

2.6.2. STL Import

The STL file format contains raw, unstructured triangle mesh data, i.e., only three vertices per triangle and one normal. No color, texture or other attributes (not entirely true). The binary version of the format leaves only 16 bits for additional information (“Attribute byte count”), but there’s no standard way to interpret this data (to, e.g., color) so AGX Dynamics for Unity ignores these additional 16 bits.

The importer supports both binary and ASCII STL files and either returns meshes read or instantiates game objects with UnityEngine.MeshFilter and UnityEngine.MeshRenderer components in the current scene. In either case, the meshes are currently only stored in memory even though instances will be saved in the scene file (when the scene is saved).


To determine if a file is ASCII or binary is in general not possible. AGX Dynamics for Unity checks the first 256 bytes of the file and if at least one of the bytes is a control character that’s not \r || \n || \t the file is interpreted as a binary file. This means that, e.g, if the name of a solid in an ASCII file contains a control character, the file will be parsed as a binary file. It’s hard to do it the other way around because there’s a good chance you’ll stumble upon a binary STL file starting with the characters “solid”. Normals of a STL file

Per-triangle normal isn’t suitable for visuals mesh data. That’s why UnityEngine.Mesh is per-vertex normal and AGX Dynamics for Unity STL importer is converting the STL normals to vertex normals with a smoothing angle threshold - default 26 degrees. That means that when the angle between two triangle normals exceeds 26 degrees, an average of the triangle normals will be used for the vertices involved.


AGX Dynamics collision meshes recalculates the normals given vertices and triangle orientation so the smoothing angle threshold doesn’t affect the physics, meaning it’s possible, and suitable, to use the read meshes for both visual and collision meshes.

Below is an example of the default read STL mesh data (left) and the same mesh read with the default smoothing angle threshold (right).

_images/stl_normal_no_normal_angle_threshold.png _images/stl_normal_default_normal_angle_threshold.png Read a STL file

The AGX Dynamics for Unity STL reader StlFileImporter is part of AGXUnity.IO meaning it’s possible to read and instantiate STL meshes at runtime. Since UnityEngine.Mesh has a limit of 65535 vertices, the Read methods returns an array of meshes rather than a single mesh.

Below is an example where a STL file is read and saved as an asset. If the STL file contains/is parse as several meshes, the mesh data is stored in a single file but loaded as several UnityEngine.Mesh instances.

public static Mesh[] SaveStlMeshesToAssets( string filename, string directory )
  Mesh[] meshes = null;
  try {
    // Read meshes from given STL filename, e.g,
    // "Assets/STL/my_stl_file.stl" and 'directory'
    // is for example "Assets/STL_Exports".
    meshes = AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Read( filename );
    if ( meshes.Length == 0 )
      throw new AGXUnity.Exception( "Unable to parse mesh(es) from: " + filename );

    // Assuming 'directory' is relative to the project, i.e.,
    // starts with "Assets".
    directory = directory.Replace( '\\', '/' );
    if ( !System.IO.Directory.Exists( directory ) ) {
      System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory( directory );

    // Creating the main mesh asset. If there are more than
    // one mesh this mesh will be main and the rest will be
    // saved in the same file.
    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( meshes[ 0 ],
                               directory +
                                 '/' +
                                 System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filename ) +
                                 ".asset" );
    AssetDatabase.SetMainObject( meshes[ 0 ], AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( meshes[ 0 ] ) );
    // We've already saved the first mesh, if there are more we
    // add the additional meshes to our main mesh (same file,
    // still individual meshes) - so for loop start from 1.
    for ( int i = 1; i < meshes.Length; ++i ) {
      if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( meshes[ i ].name ) )
        meshes[ i ].name = "{meshes[ 0 ].name} (" + i + ")";
      AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset( meshes[ i ], meshes[ 0 ] );

  catch ( AGXUnity.Exception e ) {
    Debug.LogException( e );

  return meshes;
} Instantiate a STL file

Instantiating a STL file is similar to Read a STL file but the return value of AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Instantiate is an array of game objects. An additional, optional, argument is a callback for each created UnityEngine.Object to, e.g., manage undo/redo in the editor or to further decorate the instances.

Below is an editor script that manages undo/redo of a STL file instance.

public static GameObject[] InstatiateStlUndo( string filename )
  var instances = new GameObject[] { };
  // Increment undo group and store id so that we can collapse
  // all changes into one undo/redo.
  var undoGroupId = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
  try {
    // Callback from the STL Instantiate method for all
    // UnityEngine.Object created.
    System.Action<Object> onCreatedObject = createdObject =>
                                             Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( createdObject,
                                                                             "Created " +
                                                                               createdObject.name );
    // Instantiate given STL filename in the current scene.
    instances = AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Instantiate( filename,
                                                         onCreatedObject );
  catch ( AGXUnity.Exception e ) {
    Debug.LogException( e );
  finally {
    // Collapse all registered undo from onCreatedObject so that
    // the user doesn't have to press ctrl + z four times if one
    // game object, one mesh filter, one mesh and one mesh renderer
    // were created.
    Undo.CollapseUndoOperations( undoGroupId );

  return instances;

Two other editor examples that supports undo/redo but these creates an AGXUnity.RigidBody with an AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh. The first example assumes the STL file is only a single mesh, while the second doesn’t use AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Instantiate (which creates one game object per created mesh) and instead use AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Read to get all meshes and instantiates one AGXUnity.RigidBody with a child AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh game object with all read meshes.

// Assumes 'filename' only contains one mesh, i.e., < 65535 vertices.
public static GameObject InstantiateSingleMeshRigidBodyStl( string filename )
  GameObject rb = null;
  // Handle undo/redo as in InstatiateStlUndo.
  var undoGroupId = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
  try {
    System.Action<Object> onCreatedObject = createdObject =>
      Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( createdObject, "Created " + createdObject.name );
      // If this is the parent game object, add the RigidBody component.
      if ( createdObject is GameObject go )
        Undo.AddComponent<AGXUnity.RigidBody>( go );
      // If this is the mesh filter, create an AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh.
      else if ( createdObject is MeshFilter filter )
        Undo.AddComponent<AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh>( filter.gameObject )
            .SetSourceObject( filter.sharedMesh );

    rb = AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Instantiate( filename,
                                                  onCreatedObject )[ 0 ];
  catch ( AGXUnity.Exception e ) {
    Debug.LogException( e );
  finally {
    Undo.CollapseUndoOperations( undoGroupId );

  return rb;

// Instantiates a rigid body with child mesh. Assumes 'filename' is
// a single solid with any number of meshes.
public static GameObject InstantiateRigidBodyStl( string filename )
  GameObject rb = null;
  // Handle undo/redo as in InstatiateStlUndo.
  var undoGroupId = Undo.GetCurrentGroup();
  try {
    // Read the meshes and throw an error if was parsed.
    var meshes = AGXUnity.IO.StlFileImporter.Read( filename );
    if ( meshes.Length == 0 )
      throw new AGXUnity.Exception( "Unable to parse mesh(es) from: " + filename );

    // Create the game object of the rigid body and add the rigid body component.
    rb = new GameObject( "RigidBody " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filename ) );
    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( rb, "Created " + rb.name );

    // Create the child, note that this isn't completely necessary since
    // the collision mesh component could be added to 'rb'. Still, it enables
    // some further modeling capabilities.
    var meshGo = new GameObject( System.IO.Path.GetFileName( filename ) );
    meshGo.transform.parent = rb.transform;

    // Create the collision mesh which supports several source meshes.
    var collisionMesh = meshGo.AddComponent<AGXUnity.Collide.Mesh>();
    foreach ( var mesh in meshes )
      collisionMesh.AddSourceObject( mesh );
    // Create visual in any way, this is one option.
    AGXUnity.Rendering.ShapeVisual.Create( collisionMesh );
    Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo( meshGo, "Created " + meshGo.name );
  catch ( AGXUnity.Exception e ) {
    Debug.LogException( e );
  finally {
    Undo.CollapseUndoOperations( undoGroupId );

  return rb;
} STL ASCII file extensions

It’s not very well documented but an ASCII STL export from Ansys SpaceClaim may contain several solid endsolid and the vertex unit baked into the solid’s name.


Binary STL file doesn’t have name nor a definition of several solids in the definition of the format.

AGX Dynamics for Unity supports several definitions of solid endsolid in an ASCII file. AGX Dynamics for Unity also supports vertex units if given in the name of a solid, e.g., solid "MySolid <stl unit = MM>, where <stl unit = MM> is interpreted as millimeters and each vertex will be scaled by 0.001 (to meters). Supported units are (case independent) M (meters, scale 1.0, default), DM (decimeters, scale 0.1), CM (centimeters, scale 0.01) and MM (millimeters, scale 0.001).

2.6.3. AGX Dynamics Import

A serialized AGX Dynamics state can be loaded into Unity as a prefab. The importer supports incremental changes, making it possible to re-import the simulation state with arbitrary changes. The changes are propagated to all connected prefab instances.

The main purpose of this feature is to bring AGX Dynamics decorated CAD models into Unity. There are no dependencies. The importer reads any .agx (or .aagx), independent of its origin. Still, the importer is 100% compatible with CAD exports from Algoryx Momentum - an AGX Dynamics plugin in Ansys SpaceClaim.

The importer supports:

  • Shapes of any type.

  • Rigid bodies.

  • Constraints (see Constraint for a list of supported constraints).

  • Materials.

  • Contact materials.

  • Friction models.

  • Disabled collisions states (geometry and group pairs).

  • Render data.

  • Cables.

  • Wires.

  • Solver settings (not applied, but available).


If the rendering pipeline is changed to a ScriptableRenderPipeline after .agx import a re-import is necessary to update the imported render materials. Alternatively, the render materials can be updated manually.

Some of the imported objects are store on disk in the project (mesh data, render materials, shape materials, contact materials, friction models, object and solver settings/properties). These objects are grouped together given type and placed in a folder named <filename>_Data, where <filename> is the name of the .agx file without the extension.


Project view and Inspector of imported assets.

To import (create a prefab) a model, right click the .agx file in the Project view and select AGXUnity -> Import -> Selected AGX Dynamics file [prefab].

Or in an editor script (NOTE: return AGXUnityEditor.IO.AGXFileImporter.Import( filename ); is enough, this example exemplifies how to access the assets of an imported model):

public static GameObject CreatePrefab( string filename )
  // .agx or .aagx files supported.
  if ( !System.IO.Path.GetExtension( filename ).ToLower().EndsWith( "agx" ) )
    return null;

  var prefab = AGXUnityEditor.IO.AGXFileImporter.Import( filename );
  if ( prefab != null ) {
    Debug.Log( "* Successfully imported " + filename + "." );
    // This component contains assets dependent data.
    var importedData = prefab.GetComponent<AGXUnity.IO.RestoredAGXFile>();
    // The directory GUID the assets were written to.
    var dir = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( importedData.DataDirectoryId );
    // RestoredAssetsRoot is the main assets of any imported asset type.
    // These roots are always created even though there's no data.
    var roots = AGXUnityEditor.IO.Utils.FindAssetsOfType<AGXUnity.IO.RestoredAssetsRoot>( dir );
    // Printing list of UnityEngine.Material imported assets.
    var rootContainingTypeToPrint = AGXUnity.IO.RestoredAssetsRoot.ContainingType.RenderMaterial;
    // Finds System.Type given ContainingType enum.
    var typeToPrint = AGXUnity.IO.RestoredAssetsRoot.GetType( rootContainingTypeToPrint );
    // Finds and loads the materials. This is identical to
    // AGXUnityEditor.IO.Utils.FindAssetsOfType<UnityEngine.Material>( dir ).
    var renderMaterials = AGXUnityEditor.IO.Utils.FindAssetsOfType( dir, typeToPrint );

    Debug.Log( "    - Data directory: " + dir );
    Debug.Log( "    - Roots [" + roots.Length + "]:" );
    foreach ( var root in roots ) {
      var rootType = AGXUnity.IO.RestoredAssetsRoot.GetType( root.Type );
      // root.Type == Unknown is for general types, i.e., there's no
      // specific System.Type for this root type.
      if ( rootType == null )
      Debug.Log( "          " + root.Type + " " +
                                "[" +
                                AGXUnityEditor.IO.Utils.FindAssetsOfType( dir, rootType ).Length +
                                "]" );
    Debug.Log( "    - Render materials:" );
    foreach ( var renderMaterial in renderMaterials )
      Debug.Log( "          " + renderMaterial.name );

  return prefab;

Result of the example above for a simple model with 2 contact materials, 2 friction models, 5 meshes, 3 render materials and 2 shape materials.

2.6.4. AGX Dynamics Export

AGX Dynamics supports complete and deterministic serialization. Exported AGX Dynamics files are important when something is wrong and you have to contact support. It’s possible to save the Initial state, i.e., the state in which the simulation was initialized in, or the Current state, saving the current state before the next step. See Simulation (Manager) for the Inspector interface for this.

Below is an example component which saves the simulation state at a given stride. The file is written before the simulation steps.

using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using AGXUnity;

public class SimulationExporter : MonoBehaviour
  public string BaseFilename = "Exports/simulation";
  public int Stride = 1;

  private void Start()
    Directory.CreateDirectory( Path.GetDirectoryName( BaseFilename + ".agx" ) );
    Simulation.Instance.StepCallbacks.PreStepForward += OnPreStepForward;

  private void OnDestroy()
    if ( Simulation.HasInstance )
      Simulation.Instance.StepCallbacks.PreStepForward -= OnPreStepForward;

  private void OnPreStepForward()
    // We count frames from 0 so that the initial state is
    // saved independent of Stride.
    var frameCount = Time.frameCount - 1;
    var performExport = ( frameCount % Stride ) == 0;
    if ( performExport ) {
      // Filename at time 12.20s will become: simulation_t012.20.agx
      var filename = BaseFilename +
                     "_t" +
                     Time.timeSinceLevelLoad.ToString( "000.00" ) +
      var success = Simulation.Instance.SaveToNativeFile( filename );
      if ( success )
        Debug.Log( "Exporting: " + filename );
        Debug.LogWarning( "Failed to export: " + filename );

2.6.5. Additional Import Components

Some components available in AGXUnity are mainly used when importing models. These components generally contain little to no actual behaviour and are mainly included to keep references to constructs in the imported file. These components include:

  • Assembly - Represents a collection of objects in the imported file. Functionally replaced by simple GameObjects in AGXUnity.

  • ObserverFrame - Represents a transform relative to an object in the imported file. Functionally replaced by the transform component in a child GameObject of the object.

2.7. Editor Settings

The AGX Dynamics for Unity plugin provides a few editor settings which affect the behaviour of the plugin. These settings include keybindings for plugin functionality and build options. These settings can be accessed by selecting AGXUnity/Settings in the top menu or by going to the project settings and selecting the AGX Settings tab.


The AGX Dynamics for Unity Editor Settings window.

Overview of the available settings:

  • Copy AGX Dynamics binaries: By default, the unity build process does not copy any dependent DLLs to the build directory. This means that native plugins such as AGXUnity, might have trouble finding the DLLs when the application is run. Checking this option adds an additional step to the build process which copies the AGX DLLs to the application build directory.

  • Keybindings:

    • Select game object: When clicking on a visual object in the scene view, the Shape component (if any) associated with that visual object is selected. When the key bound to this option is held however, a menu is shown with the scene hierarchy up to the world node, from which the desired GameObject can be selected.

    • Select rigid body game object: When this key is pressed, the closest, parent Rigid Body component is selected.

    • Pick handler (scene view): It is often useful to have a way of manipulating objects in the scene directly when running the simulation. When the key bound to this option is held, clicking and dragging on an object in the scene view creates a Constraint between the clicked object and the mouse cursor. Left clicking creates a Ball joint, limiting the translation. Middle clicking creates a lock joint, limiting all DoFs. Right clicking creates an angular lock joint, limiting rotation.

  • Unity Project Settings recommended for AGX: When using AGXUnity, some of the Unity project options might cause AGXUnity to behave poorly. For this reason, the AGXUnity settings provide a “quick fix” list of unity settings which can be set to reasonable values by AGXUnity. Ignoring these might cause build or performance issues.

    • .NET Runtime - The plugin only supports the Mono scripting backend currently and selecting another value might result in crashes or other issues when launching a build application.

    • Maximum Allowed Timestep - Unity can run extra timesteps to “catch up” to real time when falling behind. This is generally not recommended as AGXUnity applications are typically bounded by the Fixed Update time rather than the rendering. Which can cause further slowdowns and long frame times. Therefore it is recommended to set this setting to the same as the Fixed Timestep. Also see Stepping Mode.

    • Disable Unity Physics Auto Simulation - Typically when using AGXUnity, there is no need for the built in physics to also step as the simulation is handled by AGX. For this reason, it is recommended that the default physics stepping be disabled as to avoid confusion caused by adding the wrong components to objects and similar issues.